E j’ava i;mgram 1 = e 2 take 3 array from user and print all the elements after doubling its elements 3 and you have to separate function for doubling operation. 4 | 1 java program 2 take a array from...

E j’ava i;mgram 1 = e 2 take 3 array from user and print all the elements after doubling its elements 3 and you have to separate function for doubling operation. 4 |
1 java program<br>2 take a array from user and print all the elements after doubling its elements<br>3 and you have to separate function for doubling operation.<br>4<br>

Extracted text: 1 java program 2 take a array from user and print all the elements after doubling its elements 3 and you have to separate function for doubling operation. 4

Jun 11, 2022

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