The face of the automoƟve industry is being reshaped by concerns over oil supplies,
internaƟonal policy and fuel costs. A wide variety of hybrid technologies are now available
including discussion of hydrogen possibiliƟes. The solar powered car, one of the oldest
alternaƟve energy vehicles, has many applicaƟons to the emerging electric vehicle market.
The development of a telemetry system for a solar powered race car aids in a beƩer
understanding of the energy usage of a vehicle and the aspects applicable to electric
vehicles as a whole. This paper surveys the history and future of solar and electric vehicles
and provides an overview of a typical solar car.
Gasoline vehicles are vehicles that run on internal combusƟon engines that are powered
by fuels or gasoline .A fuel or gasoline a refined petroleum product .The history of petroleum
vehicles takes us back to late 19 th century , when the first gasoline powered automobiles
were developed .On the road in developing a sustainable transport network to serve a city of
10 million people and a greater metropolitan area of more than 30 million might seem
insurmountable. At the same time, transportation produces emissions that contribute to
air pollution and climate change. Its infrastructure has serious impacts on ecosystems.
Transport accounts for about 64% of global oil consumption, 27% of all energy use, and
23% of the world’s energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Each year, almost
185,000 deaths can be directly attributed to vehicular pollution. More than 1.25 million
people are killed and up to 50 million are injured on the world’s roads every year (World
Bank, 2019). The UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Group on Sustainable
Transport defines sustainable transport as “the provision of services and infrastructure
for the mobility of people and goods—advancing economic and social development to
benefit todays and future generations—in a manner that is safe, affordable, accessible,
efficient, and resilient, while minimizing carbon and other emissions and environmental
impacts” On-board charging systems are used in electric vehicles (EVs) to recharge the
battery from an external power source, such as a charging station or a wall socket. They
typically include a rectifier, a power factor correction circuit, and a charger controller,
and may also include additional components such as a DC-DC converter and a battery
Microsoft Word - Research_on_solar_vehicle_team_11_Final[1] - 1 - SOLAR POWERD ELECTRIC-VEHICLE FOR INTRA-CAMPUS MOBILITY PROJECT REPORT Submi ed by Kaviprasath G – 22BEI029 Snow Josh R – 22BEE093 Saransundar S – 22BME093 Rishwanthan U – 22BEC127 In par al fulfilment for Project Based Learning framework (Cohort V) of I B.E./B.Tech. Degree Program Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore (Autonomous) Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai DEC 2022- APR 2023 Submi ed on: 29 APRIL 2023 - 2 - Bonafide Cer ficate Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore (Autonomous) Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai Certified that this Project Report “Research on solar-powered vehicles” is the Bonafide work of “Kaviprasath G, Snow Josh R, Saransundar S, Rishwanthan U”, submi ed in par al fulfilment of the requirements for the Project Based Learning Framework (Cohort V) (December 2022 – March 2023) of I Year B.E/ B.Tech. Degree Programme offered by Kumaraguru College of Technology (Autonomous), Coimbatore – Affiliated to Anna University Chennai. HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT FACULTY MENTOR(S) - 3 - Acknowledgement We express our heart-felt gra tude to the Almighty for keeping us safe and sound with the fullest health all during the par al fulfilment of Project Based Learning Framework (Cohort V). There are no words to oblige Kumaraguru College of Technology for providing us such an excellent pla orm to discover ourselves and to showcase all our talents. We also take immense pleasure in acknowledging Dr. Saravanan D, Principal, KCT. This new mode of learning and research wouldn’t have been possible without Dr. Ezhilarasi M, Associate Dean and Head, SFS. We also extend our overwhelmed gra tude to our constant pillars of support Dr. Anitha N, Dr. Mahalakshmi R and Dr. Rathina K. A special note of men on to Mr. Veeramanikandan C, Associate Lead –Innova on, without whom this research work would have stood stagnant and Mr. Shakeel Akthar S (3rd year, Mech). We would also like to thank all our family members, friends and well-wishers for their mely help and constant support. - 4 - ABSTRACT In the growing economy the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere contributes greatly to global warming. The main root cause for this economic crisis is human ac vi es such as deforesta on and industrial process burning of fossil fuels. The consequences of global warming are numerous and severe, affec ng the ecosystems economies and socie es. Transporta on in day today’s world plays a vital role in economic development, accessibility, social connec vity, emergency response and rural development. While transporta on plays a major role in modern society, it is also important to ensure that transporta on systems are sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly to minimize their nega ve impacts on the environment and public health. Solar energy is a form of renewable energy that is obtained from the sun’s radia on and converted into electricity. Energy produced from solar panel are clean, reliable, and sustainable energy for various applica ons including residen al, commercial and industrial use so, implemen ng this energy source in modern day transporta on would be huge leap in the development of transporta on. Keywords: Global warming, Solar panel, Fossil fuels, Sustainability , Energy consump on. - 5 - List of symbols List of Figure List of Table S.No Figure Name 1. Fig 1.1 Evolu on of cars 2. Fig 1.2 Working of solar panel 3. Fig 1.3 Pollu on sta s cs of Environment 4. Fig 1.4 Sta s cs of rise in Electric Cars 5. Fig 2.1 Le hand Side View 6. Fig 2.2 Front View 7. Fig 2.3 Isometric view S.No Symbols Meaning 1. A/Ah Ampere/Ampere hour 2. W / Wh Wa /Wa hour 3. E Energy 4. DoD Depth of discharge 5. Ls Load of subsystem 6. Te Temperature compensa on Factor 7. Cr Coefficient of Rolling resistance 8. Cd Coefficient of drag 9. Af Frontal area 10. V Velocity 11. Ỽ Air Density 12. ꝋ Inclina on of surface 13. N/m Newton per meter 14. * Mul plica on 15. P Power S.No Table Name 1. Table 1.1 Materials required - 6 - TABLE OF CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND …………………………………………………………………….. 8 1.2 OBJECTIVES …………………………………………………………………….. 11 1.3 LITERATURE SURVEY …………………………………………………………………….. 15 1.4 SCOPE ….…………………………………………………………………. 18 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1 MATERIALS 2.2 SOFTWARE USED ……………………………………………………………………… 18 ……………………………………………………………………… 20 2.2 PROCEDURE ……………………………………………………………………… 20 3. RESULTS AND FINDINGS 3.1. CALCULATIONS 3.1.1 MECHANICAL CALCULATION 3.1.2 BATTERY CALCULATION 3.1.3 SOALR PANEL CALCULATION ……………………………………………………………………… 22 ……………………………………………………………………… 22 ……………………………………………………………………… 24 ……………………………………………………………………… 24 4. DISCUSSION ……………………………………………………………………… 25 5. CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………….. 25 6. REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………… 26 - 7 - 1. INTRODUCTION The face of the automo ve industry is being reshaped by concerns over oil supplies, interna onal policy and fuel costs. A wide variety of hybrid technologies are now available including discussion of hydrogen possibili es. The solar powered car, one of the oldest alterna ve energy vehicles, has many applica ons to the emerging electric vehicle market. The development of a telemetry system for a solar powered race car aids in a be er understanding of the energy usage of a vehicle and the aspects applicable to electric vehicles as a whole. This paper surveys the history and future of solar and electric vehicles and provides an overview of a typical solar car. 1.1 BACKGROUND Gasoline vehicles are vehicles that run on internal combus on engines that are powered by fuels or gasoline .A fuel or gasoline a refined petroleum product .The history of petroleum vehicles takes us back to late 19 th century , when the first gasoline powered automobiles were developed .On the road in developing a sustainable transport network to serve a city of 10 million people and a greater metropolitan area of more than 30 million might seem insurmountable. At the same time, transportation produces emissions that contribute to air pollution and climate change. Its infrastructure has serious impacts on ecosystems. Transport accounts for about 64% of global oil consumption, 27% of all energy use, and 23% of the world’s energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Each year, almost 185,000 deaths can be directly attributed to vehicular pollution. More than 1.25 million people are killed and up to 50 million are injured on the world’s roads every year (World Bank, 2019). The UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport defines sustainable transport as “the provision of services and infrastructure for the mobility of people and goods—advancing economic and social development to benefit todays and future generations—in a manner that is safe, affordable, accessible, efficient, and resilient, while minimizing carbon and other emissions and environmental impacts” On-board charging systems are used in electric vehicles (EVs) to recharge the battery from an external power source, such as a charging station or a wall socket. They typically include a rectifier, a power factor correction circuit, and a charger controller, and may also include additional components such as a DC-DC converter and a battery - 8 - management system [3] In electric cars, the ba ery storage system is provided by a ba ery. Ba ery technology nowadays is designed to last a long period. Depending on the loca on, some ba eries may survive 10–15 years, whereas others last 8 to twelve years under harsh condi ons [4]. The four basic ba ery types in electric cars are rechargeable ba erie, lithium hydride, lead acid, and ultracapacitor. Normally solar panel is used to charge the Ba ery, the electrical motor is driven by conver ng DC power to AC power in a BEV. While driving, pressing the accelerator results in data being sent to the vehicle’s control system. To manage the vehicle’s speed, the controller modes the inverter’s AC power frequency [5]. Wheels turn as a result of the motor’s connec on with a gear. So, when brakes are engaged or the electric vehicle slows, the motor converts to that of an alternator and generates electricity that is returned to the ba ery. Fig 1.1 Evolu on of cars The concept of solar powered cars dates back to the 1970s when researchers developed solar panel cars. They use solar panels that are mounted on the vehicles body to collect sunlight and convert it to electrical energy. The first prac cal solar powered car ,called the “Bluebird” was built in 1977 by a team led by a Bri sh engineer , Glynne Bowsher . This car was designed in such a way to compete in world solar challenge, a race across Australia for solar powered cars. The solar car was powered b 12v electric motor and a lead acid ba ery - 9 - pack, which were charged by solar array mounted on the cars roof. Solar panel uses energy from the sun to generate usable energy. At a very high level, solar cells absorb incoming sunlight to generate an electric current which is known as “photovoltaic effect”. Solar cells are typically made of silicon, which is a semiconductor and can generate electricity through photovoltaic effect. These solar invertors convert dc produced by solar cells to usable AC electricity. Other types of solar technology include solar hot water and concentrated solar power they both use the suns energy, but through a slightly different mechanism than photovoltaics. 1.1.1 SCIENCE OF SOLAR PANELS Solar panels work by genera ng electricity when par cles of sunlight, or photons, knock electrons free from atoms, se ng them in mo on. This flow of electrons is electricity, and solar panels are designed to capture this flow, turning it into a usable electric current. This process is called the photovoltaic effect and is the founda onal chemical and physical process behind most of the solar technology. 1.1.2 The photovoltaic effect: how it works The photovoltaic effect works through the following simplified steps: 1. Sunlight hits the solar cells, energizing electrons in the cells and se ng them in mo on 2. The electrons flow out of the junc on between cell layers, crea ng an electrical current 3. Metal plates and wires capture the flow of electrons and generate electricity The process of genera ng solar electricity starts with solar cells, the individual pieces that make a larger solar panel. Solar cells are usually made from the element silicon which is the 14th element on periodic table. Silicon is a nonmetal semiconductor that can absorb and convert sunlight into electricity – we also use silicon in almost every computer on the planet. There are a few different types of semiconductors typically used in solar cells, and silicon is by far the most common, used in 95 percent of solar cells manufactured today. - 10 -