1. In the following code segment, what is the final value of i8_i assuming that the sign bit is preserved for right shifts of signed data types? int8_t i8_i; i8_i = 0xA0 >> 2; For the following...

1. In the following code segment, what is the final value of i8_i assuming that the sign bit is preserved for right shifts of signed data types?

int8_t i8_i;

i8_i = 0xA0 >> 2;

For the following problems, assume that i16_i, i16_j, i16_k are int16_t data types, i8_p, i8_q are int8_t data types, i32_r, i32_s are int32_t data types, and i64_x is an int64_t data type. All variables are located in near RAM. Convert the following
code segments to PIC24 instruction sequences.

May 19, 2022

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