1. Implement the subroutine of problem 27 in PIC24 assembly language assuming that a stack frame is used to pass in subroutine parameters. You must use lnk and ulnk to establish a new local frame, but...

1. Implement the subroutine of problem 27 in PIC24 assembly language assuming that a stack frame is used to pass in subroutine parameters. You must use lnk and ulnk to establish a new local frame, but you may use registers for local variables.

2. Write PIC24 assembly code that implements main() in the following
code. Use the approach of for initializing data memory. You must show the complete

solution for your init_variables subroutine.

//See code for ui16_swap from the previous problem.

void ui16_swap(uint16_t* pu16_x, uint8_t u8_i, uint8_t u8_j);

uint16_t au16_values[] = {489, 45, 1000, 238, 30000, 10134}

main { ui16_swap(&au16_values[0], 3, 5); }

May 19, 2022

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