1. Implement the getstr() function of the following C code as PIC24 assembly language. Use the policy established in this chapter for using working registers for subroutine parameters and locals....

1. Implement the getstr() function of the following
code as PIC24 assembly language. Use the policy established in this chapter for using working registers for subroutine parameters and locals. Assume the return value of the getch() function is passed back via the W0 register; do not implement the getch() subroutine. uint8_t getch(void){

// not shown


// get string

void getstr(char* psz_in){

uint8_t u8_char;

do {

u8_char = getch();

*psz_in = u8_char;


} while (u8_char != 0)}

May 19, 2022

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