(1) Implement the class A- Write a C++ program to define a class QuadraticEquation described as follows: |аx + bx + с 3 0 Private data fields a, b, and e that represent three coefficients Set function...

clases c++

(1) Implement the class<br>A- Write a C++ program to define a class QuadraticEquation described as follows:<br>|аx + bx + с 3 0<br>Private data fields a, b, and e that represent three coefficients<br>Set function for the three coefficient.<br>Three get methods for a, b, and c.<br>A method named getDiscriminant) that returns the discriminant, which is<br>b2 – 4ac.<br>The methods named getRoot10) and getRoot2() for returning two roots of the<br>equation<br>-b + Vb²<br>4ас<br>-b - Vb? – 4ac<br>-<br>2a<br>and<br>2a<br>(2) Use the Class:<br>Define an object of type QuadraticEquation then assign its values from the user.<br>Print its discriminant.<br>Print its roots.<br>||<br>

Extracted text: (1) Implement the class A- Write a C++ program to define a class QuadraticEquation described as follows: |аx + bx + с 3 0 Private data fields a, b, and e that represent three coefficients Set function for the three coefficient. Three get methods for a, b, and c. A method named getDiscriminant) that returns the discriminant, which is b2 – 4ac. The methods named getRoot10) and getRoot2() for returning two roots of the equation -b + Vb² 4ас -b - Vb? – 4ac - 2a and 2a (2) Use the Class: Define an object of type QuadraticEquation then assign its values from the user. Print its discriminant. Print its roots. ||

Jun 10, 2022

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