1. Identify and describe how does the Library’s Customer service action plan can balance each of the points below: a) The quality of service b) Investigation techniques c) Time allocation d) Cost...

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1. Identify and describe how does the Library’s Customer service action plan can balance each of the points below:

a) The quality of service

b) Investigation techniques

c) Time allocation

d) Cost requirements

to ensure the expected customer service standards?

1. Outline and describe how a Library can utilise policy and procedures to fulfil the required standards in terms of handling customer service and best practice guidelines for customers with specific needs.

Policy and procedure ensure the sevice action plan is made according what is proper. It guides how the problem can be solved. 2:45 zoom 3 record ..possible to neogociation

2. Describe the strategies you would use to manage team performance to meet a Library’s quality standards. Respond to each category below with an applicable plan.

Describe the strategies that you would use to monitor the progress in achieving product and/or service targets and standards. Respond within the table below
ensure to include references to, Customer service standards, organisational policy and procedures.

5. Explain the techniques you would use for solving a complaint, including the principles and methods involved in the management and organisation.

5.a Customer behaviour

5.b Quality customer service delivery

VET Assessment Cover Sheet This Cover Sheet must be completed and attached to assessments before submission. Please complete all sections. Full Name: Grace Park Student ID Number: Unit Title: Unit Code: Assessment Title / Reference: Name of Teacher: First submission or resubmission (please tick) First Resubmission Mode of submission (e.g. email, dropbox, postal etc) Date Submitted: PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION Plagiarism is ‘a practice that involves the using of another person’s intellectual output and presenting it as one’s own’. This includes the presentation of work that has been copied, in whole or part, from other sources (including other students’ work, published books or periodicals, or unpublished works or unauthorised collaboration with other persons), without due acknowledgement. CONSEQUENCES OF PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION A student found to have plagiarised material will be subject to one or all of the following: Referral to Course Coordinator/Team Leader for: direction in regards to further submission, use of available support services such as Learning Hubs; and/or recording the alleged infringement on the student’s file. Referral of the matter to the Manager for: issuing of written warning; re-submission of work for assessment or the undertaking of another form of assessment such as an oral or unseen examination; allocating a not competent result for the unit. Referral of the matter to the Dean for: suspension from the course; official disciplinary action by the University Disciplinary Committee. STUDENT DECLARATION I declare that this assignment is my own work and does not involve plagiarism or collusion. I give my consent for any electronic version to be examined by relevant plagiarism software programs. I have a copy or electronic copy of my assignment, which I can produce if the original is misplaced. Signature: Date: An electronic copy of this Assignment Cover Sheet is available from Student Forms: https://www.vu.edu.au/current-students/your-course/forms For more on plagiarism: https://www.vu.edu.au/library/get-help/referencing/referencing-guides For assessment support contact Learning Support: [email protected] or visit a Learning Hub, located in every campus library: https://www.vu.edu.au/current-students/campus-life/advice-support/learning-advice/learning-hubs-study-advice-careerguidance Assessment Task 1 Assessment Task: This assessment is designed to provide evidence that you can perform the tasks required to achieve competency for BSBCUS501 by submitting the following information in a Word doc. Documents to submit: Due Date: Submit on or before 24th November 2020. Dropbox will open one week prior. How: Completed file(s) uploaded into the Assessment Dropbox.  · To be completed individually. Note you can seek support or clarity from your trainer or learning support services as required · Coversheet of Assessment task to be completed prior to submission · All questions must be completed satisfactorily, word limit 2500 words (approximately 5 pages). · You are required to compile a bibliography of all resources you use throughout the process using the Harvard referencing style. You should follow the guidelines for the Harvard Style on the VU website (http://lgdata.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/docs/1909/377580/All_Examples_Harvard150714.pdf) when writing the entries in the bibliography. Instructions for Student: Follow the steps below to complete all requirements for one of the case studies: Choose one scenarios from the list. Base your responses to the following questions from your chosen scenario to form the basis of your Customer Service Plan. Scenario 1 Public Library This library in a metropolitan city has four branch libraries. One is in an old although renovated building next to the Town Hall. The second is in a trendy shopping/restaurant area and the library headquarters are located in the same building. The third branch is in a quieter area but not far from a busy shopping area and close to schools and sporting facilities. The fourth library is located in a community centre in the middle of parkland. This library service has a good collections budget so customers can usually find the materials they need. However, the staffing budget is not so healthy so often desk shifts are not well resourced, especially at the smaller branches. Customers would like more user education – such as on Internet use and using databases, but it is hard to find the time when most of the reference staff have at least one desk shift a day. An excellent local history and archives collection administered by the library is under used and needs more promotion. The library has always prided itself on its service to children and young people, but with increasing pressure for improved adult reader services, the library manager is looking at reducing staffing in this area. Scenario 2 Special Library This library supports two court systems in an Australian state. The library has a full-time library manager (a qualified librarian) and two part time library technicians (both 0.5 EFT). The customers are the judiciary, court officials, barristers, solicitors and law students. As the library moves to more electronic service delivery, customers are being encouraged to use legal databases for themselves, and to set up their own subscriptions to alerting services. It is a growing trend in special libraries that more time needs to be spent on user education to ensure that expensive resources, especially in electronic formats, are used effectively and to full capacity. However, the library staff ensure that all information requests are met in a timely manner, especially when judges are on the bench and need information immediately. The library has a collection that includes journals, law reports, legislation, textbooks, annual reports and a range of loose-leaf legal services in hard copy. These will be phased out in the coming year as they are now all available electronically. This means that library staff need to ensure that within the next six months all their customers are familiar with the range of electronic resources available and how to use them. This will involve running workshops for customers and also offering one on one coaching when required. The library staff also provide some alerting services, mainly through a monthly library bulletin that is emailed to library users, but if customers subscribed to online alerting services, the bulletin could be limited to items that did not appear through alerting services and free up more staff time for reference enquiries. Therefore, the training offered needs to also focus on making customers aware of online alerting services and how to use them. Scenario 3 School Library In the outer suburbs of a major capital city, this school opened in 1992 in response to a need in the area for a physically accessible school, which could offer good support systems to disabled students. Many students with physical disabilities transferred to the school when it opened, from a wide geographical area. The school is in a suburban area with housing development and many families with young children. The school catered for Years K-6 in 1992 but now has students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Approximately 5% of the total student population have special needs. The spacious attractive library is totally accessible physically. It is large, as it caters for a K-12 school, but with two delineated areas for primary and secondary school students. The primary area is particularly attractive, with floor to ceiling windows, low shelving, and comfortable. There is plenty of display area, listening posts and a story corner. The secondary area has low shelving and tables and carrels for study. The online catalogue and Internet access computers are located between the primary and secondary areas, adjacent to the circulation and enquiry desks. There is one full time teacher librarian for the secondary school and one teacher-librarian at 0.8 EFT for the primary school, and three library technicians. The library has a good collection that includes resources for visually impaired students, as several attend the school. Two reading programs are run by the library, and there is a well-developed teacher reference collection. However, because the teacher reference collection is housed in a separate room, it is not used as well as it might be. Customer Service Plan 1. Identify and describe how does the Library’s Customer service action plan can balance each of the points below: a) The quality of service b) Investigation techniques c) Time allocation d) Cost requirements to ensure the expected customer service standards? This Library’s customer service action plan sets standard on what is needed to be achieved for quality customer service. It is done by separately the components of customer service or producet that can be offered from the Library and by divding up the components, the investigation techniques, cost requirement can be focused. In the case scenario 1, the buget is the main problem as the sevice desk is not adequately staffed. Although the collection is satisfator, the help desk not being stffed could pontenitally mean that comsomers’ question may go unanswered. Identifying the problem people can devise what is required to improve: how to capture the extent of the problem, and put deadline to make sure the problem is solved promptly. 2. Outline and describe how a Library can utilise policy and procedures to fulfil the required standards in terms of handling customer service and best practice guidelines for customers with specific needs. Policy and procedure ensure the sevice action plan is made according what is proper. It guides how the problem can be solved. 2:45 zoom 3 record ..possible to neogociation 3. Describe the strategies you would use to manage team performance to meet a Library’s quality standards. Respond to each category below with an applicable plan. 3.a Implement – Describe three systems/document that may by consulted and used when making decisions to overcome problems and to adapt customer service products and service delivery and why. Policy and procedure Past report on what methods has worked Policy and procedures form other libraires and seeing the result of their implemention 3.b Monitor – Explain the systems that could be used to track performance to meet the quality and delivery standards. Based on your chosen scenario describe two specific the monitoring systems you would recommend in your LIS. Systemes of tracking performance can help with pattern of improvement. Not eveything can be improve overnight so the tracking can be throught survey 3.c Consult – Analyse three systems/methods that could be used to help overcome difficulties in meeting service standards. Stuffing not enough More promotion Improving audult reader service 3.d Manage – Detail three actions would you take to assist a fellow team member if their performance did not meet the identified standards? 4. Describe the strategies that you would use to monitor the progress in achieving product and/or service targets and standards. Respond within the table below ensure to include references to, Customer service
Answered Same DayDec 03, 2021BSBCUS501Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: 1. Identify and describe how does the Library’s Customer service action plan can balance each of the...

Arunavo answered on Dec 04 2021
149 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Answer 1    3
a)    3
b)    3
c)    3
d)    4
Answer 2    4
Answer 3    6
a)    6
b)    6
c)    7
d)    7
Answer 4    7
a)    7
b)    8
c)    8
Answer 5    8
Conclusion    9
References    10
Libraries are the centre where rich source of information and knowledge is available. These knowledge centres cover most of the study sectors, which aids many students, and people in general. However, with changing market place the management of information is required, adaptation to the new desire of the cus
tomer is essential, employment of high skilled staffs are required, leveraging of technology along with social networking and to outthink the direct or indirect competitors. In this assignment the details discussion will be done regarding various strategies that will be implemented for a public library. Further, the discussion will be made with respect to the plan and procedures, the strategies along with techniques to analyse the people’s behaviour.
Answer 1
The library’s main elements are their customers. More the footfall of customers will be in the library, more the profit generation of the library will take place. Therefore, to maintain the continuous flow of customers, it is very important for the library authorities to maintain the service up to that level which satisfies the customers. Selga-Cristobal (2018) have discussed that the importance of customer retention can improve the profits, it will spread positive word of mouth and hence it will lower down the marketing expenditure. In this scenario of public library, the major advantage of this library is their location.
Office goers, shoppers, the residential people and the students can easily access the library. This is one of the major advantages of this library as it can be accessed by all groups of people at their convenience because of the location. Afthanorhan et al. (2019) have discussed that the users generally look for the availability of a range of books and journals to borrow, using the reading rooms and the working spaces, using the catalogues and other library specific online services and using the e-learning services, which are run by the library. A library faces different types of users such as direct users, direct non-aware users such as those accessing e-journals without noticing intermediary role of the library and indirect users. These users are researchers, faculty, bachelor students, graduate students and the doctoral students.
Any drop in the customer satisfaction will prompt the readers to switchover to other library. Therefore, the library management need to hire a number of skilled and qualified staffs who can able to address all the queries of the customers, provide them with appropriate study materials and keep the satisfaction level intact. It is very important to resolve the issue at the earliest, therefore, hiring the adequate number of staffs need to be done immediately. The budget allocation for the entire hiring process need to be sanctioned immediately as the library can afford maximum one-month time to complete the entire hiring process.
It is very important for the library to maintain the standard contents and the regular availability of the contents. Koech and Kimile (2020) have further added that it is important for the library to allocate budget properly as to take care of all the formalities such as addressing the needs of the customers and providing them with services. However, the library is facing dearth with the adequate staff and the queries of all the customers are not answered. Therefore, it is important to hire adequate number of staffs to answer the queries of the customers. The collections of the contents are satisfactory hence, the library need not to bother regarding that aspect. Bea, Musabila and Deogratus (2018) maintaining the level of satisfied service to the customers is important because of the increased competition.
Answer 2
Every organization has complex structure and thus the policy is one of the most important components to manage the entire operation of the organization. Similarly, as supported by Tsantekidis and Prevelakis (2017) have further discussed that the policy statement helps defining the value of the organization and help the managers and the staffs to translate those values into their service priorities and activities. The policy is a standard of operation, which will define the relationship between the service and the providers. It ensures equitable treatment for all and all the services are delivered based on the framework. Park et al. (2017) have further discussed that there is certain code of ethics, which need to be followed by every library as to maintain the appropriate customer satisfaction level. The code of ethics discusses:
· Library must ensure that the highest level of services must be provided to all the library users through appropriate and usefully organized resources with equitable service policies, equitable access and the accurate and unbiased responses to all kind of request made by the customer.
· The library must uphold the principles of the intellectual freedom and will resist all the efforts made to censor the library resources.
· The library must protect each of the customer’s right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to the information sought or received or the resources are consulted, borrowed or acquired or transmitted.
· The library must recognize as well as respect the intellectual property rights.
· The library believes in equal treatment for all the workers and all kind of respect, fairness and safeguard of the employees as that will...

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