1- I would like from you to write a report containing abstract, introduction, results, discussion, conclusion and references. 2- It is VERY VERY important to read the uploaded files. 3- When it comes...

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1- I would like from you to write a report containing abstract, introduction, results, discussion, conclusion and references.
2- It is VERY VERY important to read the uploaded files.
3- When it comes to working out the expected numbers for your Chi-square test, use the total number of flies counted for the relevant categories, and from that, work out what number would be expected if the flies came in the proportions stated in your null hypothesis.
The Chi-square test only needs to be done on males OR females, not on both sexes. The number of relevant categories are different for males and females, so this means that your degrees of freedom will be different when looking up the Chi-square value in the table. As females had some categories with a zero expectation, we shall simply ignore them for the test and only work with TWO expected categories (thus ONE degree of freedom), while for the males, we have four expected categories and thus THREE degrees of freedom.5- i want you just to write about MALE GENETICS because in this report you have to choose one gander..

Answered Same DayDec 23, 2021

Answer To: 1- I would like from you to write a report containing abstract, introduction, results, discussion,...

Robert answered on Dec 23 2021
132 Votes
Abstract: The Experiment aimed at establishing a genetic research hypothesis regarding two
traits of Drosophila melanogaster viz. Eye Color and Wing type. The hypothesis states that
expected phenotypic ratio of males of F2 generation on cross
ing a White male and Vestigial
female is 3:3:1:1.A Chi-square test was conducted to test if the observed ratio in the experiment
was same as expected ratio. Chi-square test gives calculated value of 15.11 and p value
corresponding to it was less than 0.01 thus we rejected null hypothesis and research hypothesis
was not true in this case.
Introduction: Genes of every living organism defines their traits and the study of this behavior
of genes and reasons behinds these is one of the core and focus topics of study of genetics. To
understand and check the working behind those genes we need some organism which is available
in masses and shows traits clearly. Drosophila melanogaster or fruit fly has a small size and
short life span; these are required conditions which makes it worthwhile to raise the large
number of these flies for experimental purposes. One of the other important features which
makes Drosophila an important experimental species is that it has a 1/20 times genome the size
of typical genome of a mammal. In the present practical we are checking if the phenotypic ratio
of male Drosophila in F2 generation obtained in our experiments is close to as expected using a
chi square test.
F2 Generation obtained from an original cross of white eyed male and a vestigial female are as
follows (Class Results of 2011, 2012 and 2013 are attached in the Appendix):
F2 Phenotype Males-
Wild type(normal
wings, red eyes)
0.402 4 0.692 7
wings, white eyes)
0.294 3 0.036 0
(vestigial wings, red
0.146 1 0.269 3
wings, white eyes)
0.159 2 0.000 0
Following are the symbols used and the phenotypes in different generation:
VG: allele for vestigial wing (recessive).
+vg: allele for normal wing (dominant).
: allele for normal (red) eyes (dominant).
: allele on the X-chromosome for white eyes (recessive).
P: ( Y +vg+vg) x VG VG) White males x vestigial
F1: ( +vg+vg) x ( +vg+vg) White females x wild males...

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