1. GenesisCare site performance without Doctor investment: a. 10 year Profit and Loss . Note: you should utilise the high level assumptions on the left hand side, there is no need to build out...

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1. GenesisCare site performance without Doctor investment:
a. 10 year Profit and Loss . Note: you should utilise the high level assumptions on the left hand side, there is no need to build out detailed operating assumptions.

b. 10 year Cashflow. Note: assume no further capex is required and there is no leverage.

c. Calculate GenesisCare’s NPV for this site
d. Calculate the NPV to GenesisCare shareholders. Note: assume that GenesisCare IPOs in FY20 (year 3 of the model). In other words, calculate the sale value of the site on IPO and work out the net present value of this.
2. GenesisCare site performance with Doctor investment. Under this scenario, there is a higher growth of the service however part of the site profitability is given to doctors in return for cash upfront:

a. 10 year Profit and Loss
b. 10 year Cashflow
c. Calculate GenesisCare's NPV for this site
d. Calculate the NPV to GenesisCare shareholders.

3. GenesisCare position:

a. Utilising the analysis performed in (1) and (2) what is the net value impact to GenesisCare shareholders due to Doctor investment?

4. Doctor position:

a. What return do the Doctors receive from the investment? Note: dividends are received at the NPAT level. You should consider a number of appropriate return calculations.
5. Sensitivities:
a. Provide sensitivity analysis for GenesisCare shareholders and for Doctor
Questions – Qualitative (should be no longer than 1-2 paragraphs for each):
1. What is different financially about offering doctors investment in a greenfield site to an existing site?

2. How would you price the investment for a doctor on an existing site? Is 12x last year’s EBITDA appropriate?

3. What kind of return could a doctor receive on an existing site investment under your assumptions?

4. What kind of growth would you need in the site to justify Doctor investment to GenesisCare shareholders?

5. What is the relevance of CRG IPO plans?

6. How would you approach exit mechanisms for the doctors?

7. How would you approach bringing in new doctors, selecting doctors and replacing doctor investors?

8. If we decided to proceed with Doctor investment, noting your previous answers and analysis, how would you approach discussions and process with the doctors?
9. If we decided not to proceed with Doctor investment, noting your previous answers and analysis, how would you approach discussions and process with doctors who expressed interest?

10. If we decided to proceed with Doctor investment, what process do you think would need to occur internally to get sign off and support?

11. Who else do you think should be involved in developing this structure (e.g. advisers internally or externally)?
Answered Same DayNov 20, 2021

Answer To: 1. GenesisCare site performance without Doctor investment: a. 10 year Profit and Loss . Note: you...

Kushal answered on Nov 21 2021
162 Votes
                        Flag year    0
                        Beginning of period    Jul-19
                        End of period    Jul-20
        Assumptions                GC Position - (£'000)    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024    2025    2026    2027    2028    2029    2030    2031    2032
                        Site X no Dr investment
        Site    Site X                FY20    FY21    FY22    FY23    FY24    FY25    FY26    FY27    FY28    FY2
9    FY30    FY31    FY32
                        Activity    2,758    2,841    2,926    3,014    3,105    3,198    3,294    3,392    3,494    3,599    3,707    3,818    3,933
        Activity assumptions                Revenue     2,483    2,557    2,634    2,713    2,794    2,878    2,964    3,053    3,145    3,239    3,336    3,436    3,539
        FY18 Actual Activity     2,600            EBITDA     1,490    1,553    1,599    1,647    1,697    1,748    1,800    1,854    1,910    1,967    2,026    2,087    2,149
        FY19 Budget Activity    2,678            Depreciation    500    500    500    500    500    500    500    500    500    500    500    500    500
        FY20 + growth rate - no Dr investment    3%            EBIT    990    1,053    1,099    1,147    1,197    1,248    1,300    1,354    1,410    1,467    1,526    1,587    1,649
        FY20 + growth rate - with Dr investment    6%            Tax    188    200    209    218    227    237    247    257    268    279    290    302    313
        Stable growth rate     1%            NPAT     54    57    59    62    65    68    70    73    76    79    83    86    89
        Fractionation    15
                        Patients per day    10.6    10.9    11.3    11.6    11.9    12.3    12.7    13.0    13.4    13.8    14.3    14.7    15.1
        Static business assumptions                Incremental patient per day versus prior year        0.3    0.3    0.3    0.3    0.4    0.4    0.4    0.4    0.4    0.4    0.4    0.4
        Units    1,000            Incremental patients per year        82.8    85.2    87.8    90.4    93.1    95.9    98.8    101.8    104.8    108.0    111.2    114.5
        Fee per fraction (activity)    900
        EBITDA margin on base activity    60%            Cash flow
        EBITDA margin on incremental activity    85%
        Depreciation assumption (£'000 p.a.)    500
        Tax    19%
        GC WACC    10%            Unlevered free cash flows    554    557    559    562    565    568    570    573    576    579    583    586    589
        Days per year    260                                                                5,951
                        Present value     504    507    509    512    514    516    519    522    524    527    530    533    536
                        Terminal value                                                    1,896
                        NPV to business no dr investment     8,650
                        NPV to GC shareholders no dr investment    4,325
        Doctor investment assumptions                Site X w/ Dr investment    FY20    FY21    FY22    FY23    FY24    FY25    FY26    FY27    FY28    FY29    FY30    FY31    FY32
        LTM Entry multiple    12x            Site base activity forecast    2,678    2,839    3,009    3,190    3,381    3,584    3,799    4,027    4,268    4,524    4,796    5,084    5,389
        Exit value based on     0            Activity at higher growth during dr investment horizon    80    85    90    96    101    108    114    121    128    136    144    153    162
        LTM Exit multiple - good leaver    12x            Activity at regular growth post dr investment horizon    80    85    90    96    101    108    114    121    128    136    144    153    162
        GC proportion    85%            Total Activity     2,839    3,009    3,190    3,381    3,584    3,799    4,027    4,268    4,524    4,796    5,084    5,389    5,712
                        Patients / day     10.9    11.6    12.3    13.0    13.8    14.6    15.5    16.4    17.4    18.4    19.6    20.7    22.0
        Dr investment level     15.0%            Incremental patients / day versus no investment    0.3    0.6    1.0    1.4    1.8    2.3    2.8    3.4    4.0    4.6    5.3    6.0    6.8
        Dr sale year (assumes sale at beginning of year)    5            Incremental patient / day overall (year on...

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