Analyze the following code fragment and provide an asymptotic (Θ) bound on the running time as a function of n. You do not need to give a formal proof, but you should justify your answer. 1: foo 0 2:...

Analyze the following code fragment and provide an asymptotic (Θ) bound on the running time as a function of n. You do not need to give a formal proof, but you should justify your answer.

1: foo 0<br>2: for i0 to n do<br>foo foo x 4<br>for j 1895 to 2021 do<br>for k ito n –1 do<br>for l2i+ 1 to 5i+ 6 do<br>3:<br>4:<br>||<br>61<br>7:<br>foo foo xl<br>8:<br>end for<br>end for<br>10:<br>end for<br>11: end for<br>

Extracted text: 1: foo 0 2: for i0 to n do foo foo x 4 for j 1895 to 2021 do for k ito n –1 do for l2i+ 1 to 5i+ 6 do 3: 4: || 61 7: foo foo xl 8: end for end for 10: end for 11: end for

Jun 10, 2022

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