1. Focus on the laws that affect pay. What are the issues associated with the FLSA?2. This is highly controversial. When minimum wage goes up, what happens to those currently making more than minimum...

1. Focus on the laws that affect pay. What are the issues associated with the FLSA?2. This is highly controversial. When minimum wage goes up, what happens to those currently making more than minimum wage? Do their wages increase proportionately? How does this affect the prices of goods and services produced by companies primarily employing those who made less than the new minimum wage?3. Unions have a significant impact on compensation design. Union contracts and negotiations determine how compensation will function in many companies. How has the role of unions affected wage levels, structure of pay plans, and pay practices, such as differentials? What are some of the common compensation clauses found in union agreements?4. Because unions are on the decline, does that mean we can ignore them as a factor in compensation management? Explain.5. You’ve done such a great job of explaining the union influence in compensation. Here are a few other things to think about. We know unions can influence the pay plan, but what about administration and plan management? How does this affect the day-to-day decisions made in the area of compensation?6. There are many individuals who use social media sites indiscriminately and do not consider the consequences of their interactions with others or what is posted. Even when they may not identify themselves with an employer, there are others who may access the site who know them personally and may reveal their employer in their postings. In addition, some employers may access their employees’ personal sites out of curiosity or may have a legitimate reason to question the site’s content. Is this invading the employee’s privacy or is it a right of the employer since they may be able to view only what is “public” on the site?7. The popularity of the various social networking sites is making the question of employer “surveillance” even more relevant today. Should employers be able to discipline employees for posting information on the site that may not be employment related but cast a negative light on the employee?8. Based on the past and to some extent the current economic conditions poor credit reports will become an even bigger issue as there are many more people who have suffered economically as a result of the high unemployment and foreclosures on personal property etc. Many of these individuals may have suffered through no fault of their own but are considered those “circumstantial” defaulters. Should this be a concern for an employer who may be considering a disciplinary action against an employee whose performance may have been affected by these circumstances?9. We have discussed previously the subject of diversity in the workplace. Since we are becoming a much more diverse society and we have a number of cultures represented in our workforce, it becomes even more important that organizational policies and practices that are sensitive to this diversity. What do you see as some major issues that employers may need to address in the future regarding the employment laws that we have studied, and the impact that an increasingly culturally diverse workforce may have on the application of those laws?

May 15, 2022

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