1. Find the incorrect/missing parts and correct them. Program Answers #include int main(void); int no; printf("x numbers"); for (no = 1, no

C language

1. Find the incorrect/missing parts and correct them.<br>Program<br>Answers<br>#include <stdio.h><br>int main(void);<br>int no;<br>printf(

Extracted text: 1. Find the incorrect/missing parts and correct them. Program Answers #include int main(void); int no; printf("x numbers"); for (no = 1, no <= 10,="" +no)="" {="" printf("\t="" %i",="" &no);="" }="" printf("\n\ny="" numbers");="" for="" (no="" 0,="" no=""><= 10,="" no="" +="2)" %3!="" {="" printf("\t="" %i",="" &no);="">

Jun 11, 2022

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