1.) Find a single book suitable for integration with the class topics (Big Government, Immigration, The War on Terrorism at Home, Gun Control, Free Speech and Drug Control.).
You must provide a complete citation for the source in your review
. To give you an idea of some appropriate types of books for review:
- a biography or autobiography
- a work of history
- a work of philosophy or political thought
- a journalistic work
I give students very wide latitude in terms of the book that they choosehowever I will need to approve your choice of book prior to your presentation and completion of the review.
Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me for clarification.
2.) Briefly (within around two paragraphs)summarizethe book that you use, relaying the background of the author, the book’s general focus, or perhaps something interesting about its publication. You need not provide analysis here, just the facts.
3.) Analyzea topic or concept that the book heavily focuses on or that comprises an important element of the book. Your review should take the form of a critique and evaluation, not simply a description. DON’T just continue to summarize the book but evaluate & critique some interesting, controversial or important point of the book.
Your review should benot less than1000 words(roughly 4 pages) and is due by, and will be presented in class on, as noted in the syllabus. No late reviews will be accepted. Please upload your review into Canvas – should you have any problems with this you need to contact Tech Support and to notify meimmediately.