1. Find 10 other sources of information about any of the topics you ranked in exercise 1 and write out the complete citation for each. Try to complete a set of other sources that is as diverse as...

1. Find 10 other sources of information about any of the topics you ranked in exercise 1 and write out the complete citation for each. Try to complete a set of other sources that is as diverse as possible. 2. Go to your library (online or brick and mortar) and find five journals in your field of study. After you have located the journals, examine them to determine:

What type of articles are published (reviews of literature, empirical studies, etc.).

Whether the journal is published by a professional organization (such as the American Psychological Association) or by a private group (such as Sage Press).

The number of articles in each journal and if there is any similarity in the topic areas covered within each issue of the journal.

How often the journal is published and other information about its editorial policies (e.g., guidelines, features).

May 19, 2022

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