1. Experiment with Program 10.1 by modifying the settings and/or computations in the fragment shader and observing the results. 2 Using a paint program, generate your own height map and use it in...

1. Experiment with Program 10.1 by modifying the settings and/or computations

in the fragment shader and observing the results. 2 Using a paint program, generate your own height map and use it in Program 10.4. See if you can identify locations where detail is missing as the result of the vertex shader being unable to adequately sample the height map. You will

probably find it useful to also texture the terrain with your height map image file as shown in Figure 10.14 (or with some sort of pattern that exposes the surface structure, such as a grid) so that you can see the hills and valleys of the resulting terrain.

May 19, 2022

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