1. Download files here
2. This .zip contains 3 key files:
a. Dictionary.txt contains a list of valid words and entities.
b. Story.txt contains a sample paragraph that uses only the words and entities from dictionary.txt,
though some of those words and entities have typos and spelling errors.
c. OpenApi3.yaml is the OpenApi 3 specs for the expected API
3. Write an application in the language you think works best for this problem. that takes the content of
dictionary.txt and story.txt as inputs
● You may reformat these documents and change their extensions if needed
● You may not use any Libraries in your solution
4. The application should create a web server, to deliver the rest endpoints set out in the OpenAPI spec.
The Dictionary.txt and Story.txt are samples of the data input.
5. The application should work and run when executing
a. The Application code should be commented.
b. There should be a README that documents how to run the application, along with the stack used
to develop it.
c. A plan on how to deploy this application