1.) Discuss the role of the community in promoting access to treatment for major depressive disorder
2.) Explain the strengths and limitations of the clinical assessments designed to evaluate major depressive disorder
3.) Discuss challenges related to reliability and validity in the assessment of major depressive disorder
4.) Explain the concept of diagnosis by exclusion, using major depressive disorder as an example
5.) Articulate how assessments contribute to diagnosis by exclusion.
6.) Explain the relationship between the publication process of the DSM, the contribution of research in mental health, and the practice of clinicians
7.) [Explain the strengths and limitations of various therapeutic approaches designed to treat major depressive disorder.]
8.) Discuss the relevance of non-pharmacological approaches in the treatment of the disorder
9.) Discuss the balance between "do no harm" and duty to treat
10.) ○[What attributes of the disorder do you want your audience to remember most?]○[In what ways does the information you've shared enhance what we know about the disorder?][In what ways does the content that you've shared contribute to our biological, psychological, and/or social well-being?]