1. Describe the impact of trade and commerce on the Italian Renaissance. Include at least three specific examples (min. 100 words). 2. In your opinion, how do Transcendentalist writings about the...

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1. Describe the impact of trade and commerce on the Italian Renaissance. Include at least three specific examples (min. 100 words).

2. In your opinion, how do Transcendentalist writings about the spirituality of nature differ (or relate to) the emerging American Gothic literature (aka Dark Romanticism)? Include a brief quote from an author representing each style. (2 Parts – min. 100 words)

3. Explain why Pablo Picasso is widely considered to be the definitive modern artist. Consider his visual style, his work with Cubism, and his career overall. Select one example of his work (insert or attach a jpg file) and relate it to your response. (min. 100 words)

Answered Same DayFeb 24, 2021

Answer To: 1. Describe the impact of trade and commerce on the Italian Renaissance. Include at least three...

Azra S answered on Feb 24 2021
140 Votes
1. Describe the impact of trade and commerce on the Italian Renaissance. Include at least three specific examples (min. 100 words). 
Trade and commerce brought about many changes in Italy during the renaissance period. First of all, it created prosperous cities like Venice and Genoa that were trade routes to the rest of Europe through inns and merchandise. Secondly, gradually barter trade gave way to coin trade and Italy became a trading cradle with Florence becoming a rich financial center. The gold florin became a currency of global trade. Thirdly, there was a clear development of commercial infrastructure with advance book-keeping, banking system, exchange markets and complex companies coming into existence. The city-states of Italy gradually became independent of the Holy Roman Empire.
2. In your opinion, how do Transcendentalist writings about the spirituality of nature differ (or relate to) the emerging American Gothic literature (aka Dark Romanticism)? Include a brief quote from an author representing each...

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