1. Decimal 25,27,29 and 31 can be grouped to cancel literal C. ( ) True ( ) False 2. ( A'BC + D' ) (A+BC+B'D) is a standard canonical form ( ) True ( ) False 3. ( A'BC + AB' ) (BC+B'D) is a...

1. Decimal 25,27,29 and 31 can be grouped to cancel literal C.

( ) True

( ) False


( A'BC + D' ) (A+BC+B'D) is a standard canonical form

 ( ) True

 ( ) False


 ( A'BC + AB' ) (BC+B'D) is a non-standard canonical form

( ) True

( ) False

4. (A'BC + AB'C) (ABC+A'B'C') is a non-standard canonical form

( ) True

( ) False

Jun 11, 2022

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