1. Create a program that accepts your name and 5 numbers as input when executed in the command line. You will do this by using the main prototype "int main (argc, char *argv[])" 2. Create a function...

1. Using C program

1. Create a program that accepts your name and 5 numbers as input when executed in the<br>command line. You will do this by using the main prototype

Extracted text: 1. Create a program that accepts your name and 5 numbers as input when executed in the command line. You will do this by using the main prototype "int main (argc, char *argv[])" 2. Create a function that implements the insertion sort algorithm. The function should print the original unsorted and sorted numbers to the screen. Use the following function prototype for insertion sort: "void insertion_sort (int array[],int array_length)" 3. See Figures 1,2 and 3 below for the different outputs depending on the parameters passed to your command_line program. "{student_number}_sort.exe" 4. Do not worry too much about checking for valid input in this coding challenge, i.e. check whether the inputs are integers and within range. We will do this later. Focus now on getting steps 1 to 3 in order!

Jun 11, 2022

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