1. Create a module that will take in an array of numbers and create a BST of the same numbers. 5.33 Design a record type Studen t _T r anscrip t , including fields for Name , Address , Phone , SS# ,...

1. Create a module that will take in an array of numbers and create a BST of the

same numbers. 5.33 Design a record type Studen t _T r anscrip t , including fields for Name , Address , Phone , SS# , Major , Class, GPA, and Academ i c_ Record (a poi n ter to a lin ke d l ists of Terms)

2. Design a data structure, Ac ad emic _Reco r d, for student academic performance data, consisting of a linked list of Term s , with each term having a te rm_identifi e r (e.g., fall_ 9 5), a term_gpa, and a course_list. The course list should include the courses taken for a given term, including course number, course name, professor, credit hours, and course grade.

May 19, 2022

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