1. Create a 2D char array called grades, to save the grades for three students for five courses (size 3 by 5). Write the nested for loop to initialize the first row with ‘A’, second row ‘B’, and...

1. Create a 2D char array called grades, to save the grades for three students for five courses (size 3 by 5). Write the nested for loop to initialize the first row with ‘A’, second row ‘B’, and third-row ‘C’.

2. Say the second student got C for the fifth course. The third student got an A for the first course. Make the changes to the above array.

3. Print out the array elements in the 2-dimensional format like the following. Make sure you print out the student # and course numbers so one can easily locate an array element.

Format your output like the following.

After initialization:

                                              Grades of 3 students
               Course1    Course2   Course3    Course4   Course5
Student 1:   A                A             A               A              A
Student 2:   B                B              B               B              B
Student 3:   C                C             C               C              C

After change:

                                        Grades of 3 students
               Course1    Course2   Course3    Course4   Course5
Student 1:   A                A             A               A              A
Student 2:   B                B              B               B              C
Student 3:   A                C             C               C              C

Jun 09, 2022

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