1. Course information Write a program that creates a dictionary containing course numbers and the room num- bers of the rooms where the courses meet. The dictionary should have the following key-...

Write a program in python for the the following problem. Follow program style requirements
1. Course information<br>Write a program that creates a dictionary containing course numbers and the room num-<br>bers of the rooms where the courses meet. The dictionary should have the following key-<br>value pairs:<br>Course Number (key)<br>Room Number (value)<br>CS101<br>3004<br>CS102<br>4501<br>CS103<br>6755<br>NT110<br>1244<br>CM241<br>1411<br>The program should also create a dictionary containing course numbers and the names of<br>the instructors that teach each course. The dictionary should have the following key-value<br>pairs:<br>Course Number (key)<br>Instructor (value)<br>Haynes<br>Alvarado<br>CS101<br>CS102<br>CS103<br>Rich<br>NT110<br>Burke<br>CM241<br>Lee<br>The program should also create a dictionary containing course numbers and the meeting<br>times of each course. The dictionary should have the following key-value pairs:<br>Course Number (key)<br>Meeting Time (value)<br>CS101<br>8:00 a.m.<br>CS102<br>9:00 a.m.<br>CS103<br>10:00 a.m.<br>NT110<br>11:00 a.m.<br>CM241<br>1:00 p.m.<br>The program should let the user entér a course number, then it should display the course's<br>room number, instructor, and meeting time.<br>If the course is not in the dictionary, a message should be displayed. The program should<br>contain a loop which continues to ask for course number until the user chooses to quit.<br>

Extracted text: 1. Course information Write a program that creates a dictionary containing course numbers and the room num- bers of the rooms where the courses meet. The dictionary should have the following key- value pairs: Course Number (key) Room Number (value) CS101 3004 CS102 4501 CS103 6755 NT110 1244 CM241 1411 The program should also create a dictionary containing course numbers and the names of the instructors that teach each course. The dictionary should have the following key-value pairs: Course Number (key) Instructor (value) Haynes Alvarado CS101 CS102 CS103 Rich NT110 Burke CM241 Lee The program should also create a dictionary containing course numbers and the meeting times of each course. The dictionary should have the following key-value pairs: Course Number (key) Meeting Time (value) CS101 8:00 a.m. CS102 9:00 a.m. CS103 10:00 a.m. NT110 11:00 a.m. CM241 1:00 p.m. The program should let the user entér a course number, then it should display the course's room number, instructor, and meeting time. If the course is not in the dictionary, a message should be displayed. The program should contain a loop which continues to ask for course number until the user chooses to quit.
Sample Dialog:<br>Enter a course number or press enteI to stop: absdfs<br>absdfs is an invalid course number.<br>Enter a course number or press enter to stop: CSI01<br>The details for course CS101 are:<br>Room: 3004<br>Instructor: Haynes<br>Time: 8:00 am<br>Enter a<br>course number or press enter to stop:<br>Programming Style Requirements.<br>Comments - Begin your program with a comment that includes: a) your name,<br>program status - either

Extracted text: Sample Dialog: Enter a course number or press enteI to stop: absdfs absdfs is an invalid course number. Enter a course number or press enter to stop: CSI01 The details for course CS101 are: Room: 3004 Instructor: Haynes Time: 8:00 am Enter a course number or press enter to stop: Programming Style Requirements. Comments - Begin your program with a comment that includes: a) your name, program status - either "Complete" or describe any incomplete or non-functioning part of your program c)A 1-3 line description of what the program does. Function comments - each function should begin with a comment explaining what the function does Variable names - use meaningful variable names such as total taxes or num cookies. Function names - use meaningful verb names for functions such as display taxes. Named constants - Use named constants for all number values that will not be changed in the program such as RECIPE_SUGAR = 1.5. See section 2.9 on Named Constants
Jun 09, 2022

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