1. Convert 0xF4 to decimal. 2. Convert the value 0b XXXXXXXXXXto decimal. 4. Compute 0xB2 + 0x9F and give the result in hex. 5. Compute 0xB2 – 0x9F and give the result in hex. Check your work by...

1. Convert 0xF4 to decimal.

2. Convert the value 0b10110111 to decimal.

4. Compute 0xB2 + 0x9F and give the result in hex.

5. Compute 0xB2 – 0x9F and give the result in hex. Check your work by verifying that 0xB2 + ~(0x9F) + 0x1 produces the same result. To compute ~(0x9F), complement each bit.

May 19, 2022

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