1) Consumer privacy is necessary because of the growing threats on the internet. Consumers want to have a secure place on the internet where their privacy is secure. Consumer privacy, also known as...

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Consumer privacy is necessary because of the growing threats on the internet. Consumers want to have a secure place on the internet where their privacy is secure. Consumer privacy, also known as customer privacy, involves the handling and protection of the sensitive personal information provided by customers during everyday transactions(Lutkevich, n.d).

  • Discusshow current regulations that help consumers protect their privacy have affected you.

Current regulations make it possible to keep data private and decide who you let see your data.

Last year, Apple’s upgrade to its iPhone operating system allowed users to shut down data harvesters’ ability to track them across their many apps(Pentland, 2022).

When I use to go on apps, I felt anxious about the app tracking what I was doing but because iPhone allowed me to shut down harvesters’ abilities to track me it has made it easier to go on apps and not feel like they will track me.

  • What do you see as the primary causes of network threats to an individual's privacy?

Weak passwords, cluttered desk that has employees’ password on them, employees opening suspicious email, and employees bringing in their private phones and other devices and plugging them up into the employers’ devices.

  • Describe an experience where your personal privacy or that of a friend or family member was threatened.

I recently had my Facebook page taken over by an unknown person. I could not get back on it at all. I have not had anything significant happen yet but so far, I was only blocked off my Facebook. I had to open a different one. The problem I did have was they put someone else’s picture on my page so someone else was using my name!

  • Whatdo you think organizations (or governments) should do to avoid or prevent such threats?

Make sure that security is in place and that every employee is adhering to the security rules. There should be a clean desk policy for everyone from the CEO to the employees. There should only be the company’s devices used in the company and no personal devices are allowed. Keeping a watch on the data so that there is no breach that can become a threat.

  • Should personal privacy protection be an organization’s responsibility, yours, or both? Why?

It should be both the organization and yours because I would like for the organization to protect my privacy, but I must do my part to protect my privacy also like making my password hard to get, and changing passwords so it's not easy to get. The company’s part is to keep my information private and not to give it out to anyone.

  • Identify a single privacy threat, which is the most difficult to fix, and propose what can organizations do to counter it?

Data privacy becomes harder to manage when you factor in things like the Internet of Things (IOT), bring-your-own-device IT policies, and proliferating internet-connected tablets, phones, and watches. When you bring more devices into the workplace, you end up having more data to manage(Them), 2020).


Lutkevich, B. (n.d).Consumer privacy (Customer privacy). Retrieved from TechTarget: www.techtarget.com

Pentland, H. R. (2022, February 25).The New Rules of Data Privacy. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review: hbr.org

Them), T. 8. (2020, January 29).The 8 Most Challenging Data Privacy Issues (and How to Solve Them). Retrieved from Clover DX Blog: www.cloverdx.com


urrent regulations that help consumers protect their privacy, that have affected me are where the consumer has the ability to opt out of a company from sharing your data with other companies to target you for marketing other products or services.

2. I see as the primary causes of network threats to an individual's privacy as

a. Third party vendors that don't have strict privacy policies and may have employee that would sell your data.

b. Social engineering techniques such as phishing,, smishing, vishing, and spam.

c. Poor password policies using weak passwords, or default passwords.

d. Downloading of unauthorize software or plugging in a USB drive of unknown origin that can contain malware or computer virus .

3. Myself and my wife about 15 years ago had a bank account with a local bank in Ohio, where we experienced some unauthorized charges on our debt card. It turns out that the bank manager had left their computer screen unlocked and left the office for a errand and their teenager was able to take the debt card information on multiple customers and was able to charge a multiple items to other peoples accounts.

4. What do I think organizations (or governments) should do to avoid or prevent such threats. They should be more invested in protecting privacy through the use of privacy work groups made up of leaders throughout the organization. these work group would setup methods and practices for the the protection of privacy of data, and ensure training and buy into the those methods and practices. Government legislators should make that the laws on the books have stiff penalties for those steal or use any type of data for criminal activity,, and the justice system makes sure that people who commit these offences pay that penalty.

5. Should personal privacy protection be an organization’s responsibility, yours, or both? I think it should be both , mine because I need make sure I know who I am giving the data to is trustworthy and has a good reputation for protecting the data,, the organization has the responsibility that data is only used for the purposes that they state it will be used for to a customer.

6 Zero-day threats are very difficult to detect because they are not detected by the developer and are usually detected by the threat actor who takes advantage of them before a patch can be developed to counter it. An organization can employ a third party to find weaknesses before the release.


With regard to MY assignments (IP’s, GP’s, DB’s), consider the source before you include information from Web sites.

    • Who sponsors the Web site?

    • Is the information on the site supported by theory and research?

    • WIKIPEDIA, Yahoo Answers, dictionaries, encyclopedias, or similar websites, may NEVER be used or cited under any circumstances, on any assignment, discussion, or response for this class.

Answered Same DayJul 23, 2022

Answer To: 1) Consumer privacy is necessary because of the growing threats on the internet. Consumers want to...

Anjali answered on Jul 23 2022
79 Votes
Personal information is tough to manage and there is a number of threats that can affect data privacy such as network attacks, data breaches, and ransomware. Unauthorized access is also a concern for the number of users who are using online services. To manage the risks related to data breaches and information leakage or unauthorized access a privacy act was launched by the government of Canada. According to this act, an individual has the right to preserve their information and the right to request correction of any information that the government regulates. Ethical use of information is the major responsibility of the...

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