1. Consider the loop from Section 8.3 of your textbook. prefixes = 'JKLMNOPQ'suffix = 'ack' for letter in prefixes: print(letter + suffix) Put this code into a Python script and run it. Notice that...

1. Consider the loop from Section 8.3 of your textbook. prefixes = 'JKLMNOPQ' suffix = 'ack' for letter in prefixes: print(letter + suffix) Put this code into a Python script and run it. Notice that it prints the names "Oack" and "Qack". Modify the program so that it prints "Ouack" and "Quack" but leaves the other names the same. Include the modified Python code and the output in your submission. 2. Give at least three examples that show different features of string slices. Describe the feature illustrated by each example. Invent your own examples. Do not copy them for the textbook or any other source. Show more... 1. Consider the loop from Section 8.3 of your textbook. prefixes = 'JKLMNOPQ' suffix = 'ack' for letter in prefixes: print(letter + suffix) Put this code into a Python script and run it. Notice that it prints the names "Oack" and "Qack". Modify the program so that it prints "Ouack" and "Quack" but leaves the other names the same. Include the modified Python code and the output in your submission. 2. Give at least three examples that show different features of string slices. Describe the feature illustrated by each example. Invent your own examples. Do not copy them for the textbook or any other source.

Jun 09, 2022

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