Extracted text: 1. Consider the following four demand functions for money: (1) InM," = a, + a,lnY," +a, In R, + a, In P, + u, (2) InM," = ß, + BlnY, + B, In R, + B; In P, + u,2 where M,", Y,", R, and P, denote, respectively, aggregate nominal money demand, aggregate national income, long-term interest rate, implicit price deflator. These two money demand equations are estimated for the period 1949-1965 and the following estimated equations are obtained: (1) InM," = 3.999 +1.710lnY," – 0.608 ln R, – 0.759 In P, R? = 0.942, SSR = 0.080 (0.469) (2) InM," = 3.999+1.710lnY, – 0.608 ln R, + 0.9519 ln P, R² = 0.942, SSR = 0.080 (0.651) (1.801) (0.416) (0.651) (1.801) (0.416) (0.469) Based on the above information, Wind (a) Explain why the only difference between (1) and (2) is the coefficient of In P?dor