1. Code fragment: if (u32_i && u32_j) { u32_k = u32_k & 0xCFAB0489; } 3. Code fragment: u32_k = u32_j | u32_i; 2. Code fragment: while (u32_i != u32_j) { u32_k = u32_k >> 1; u32_j--; } Convert the...

1. Code fragment:

if (u32_i && u32_j) {

u32_k = u32_k & 0xCFAB0489;


3. Code fragment:

u32_k = u32_j | u32_i;

2. Code fragment:

while (u32_i != u32_j) {

u32_k = u32_k >> 1;



Convert the following
code segments to PIC24 instruction sequences. Assume that u64_i, u64_j, and u64_k are all uint64_t data types and are located in near RAM. If you need to use other temporary memory locations in your solution, assume that these are located in near RAM as well.

May 19, 2022

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