1) Code a dictionary from the following data: Tom 77.7 Jerry 99.9 Bob 66.6 Dora 88.8 2) Use a loop to print all names in alphabetical order on the same line. 3) In the loop above, calculate the number...

1) Code a dictionary from the following data:
     Tom 77.7
     Jerry 99.9
     Bob 66.6
     Dora 88.8
2) Use a loop to print all names in alphabetical order on the same line.
3) In the loop above, calculate the number of students.
4 Use the proper method to find the lowest grade.
5) Print the number of students and the lowest grade.

Example Output

Bob | Dora | Jerry | Tom |
# of Students: 4
Lowest grade = 66.6

(Python programming HW EC)

Jun 08, 2022

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