1. Carefully read and annotate "Laziness Does Not Exist" as I model in the video.
2. Then watch the video and as you watch, take notes, especially writing down statistics and other points you think you could use as evidence for your essay on the subject of barriers and how we measure success.
2. Looking at both sources (the reading and the video) write down on a separate document, what you think the main point of each source is.
3. Go back through each piece and pull out the quotes you think would be most helpful for you to use in answering the question below. It can help to just copy and paste these onto a document and then use that document to form your writing plan.
4. Answer the following question based on all of you've read and support your answer with evidence from both pieces:What do you think is the role for teachers and students in both determining barriers but also how we measure success to best realize meaningful learning and why?
5. Thesis (5 points) Begin your post be explaining your overall answer, based on the evidence you chose from the three sources to the question:What do you think is the role for teachers and students in both determining barriers but also how we measure success to best realize meaningful learning and why?
6. Support (5 points) Once you've stated your overall answer to the question above (your thesis), go on in at least three full paragraphs to explain why you think what you think, using the evidence (quotes) you highlighted and noted down from the reading and the video.
7. Conclusion (5 points) Add a separate concluding paragraph where you drive home your point for the reader and really make it matter, show the reader what's at stake in your argument, leave them with food for thought or calls for additional research, or show them how we might benefit as a society or as individuals if they take your thesis seriously.
8. Choose at least one of your classmate's posts to respond to (10 points), and for each of the three point categories, tell them what you think is particularly strong (about their thesis, use of quotes and evidence, and conclusion) and for each category give them at least one suggestion for further improvement (3 points for thesis strengths and suggestions, 4 points for support, and 3 points for conclusion)