1 Capstone Assignment W2 Capstone Assignment: Technologies Utilized Cory Cooper Upper Iowa University Table of Contents 1INTRODUCTION3 1.1PURPOSE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN3 2BUSINESS OBJECTIVE3...

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1 Capstone Assignment W2 Capstone Assignment: Technologies Utilized Cory Cooper Upper Iowa University Table of Contents 1INTRODUCTION3 1.1PURPOSE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN3 2BUSINESS OBJECTIVE3 2.1 CURRENT SITUATION & PROBLEM4 2.2 ASSUMPTIONS/CONSTRAINTS5 3TECHNOLOGIES UTILIZED6 3.1SUMMARY LIST8 References9 1INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Baby tracker Web applications can provide a simple and streamlined way of tracking the daily health and habits of a baby. The Website can track feeding, sleep patterns, and diaper changes. It can also track important information that can be shared with caregivers and doctors. In many situations, new parents get stressed about the health and feeding activities of the baby which can become chaotic things. The Website can help in many such things; it can aid in giving a clearer picture of a baby's health, and it can be a great problem solver for parents. It is also perfect for logging important information for sleepless nights. If the baby wakes up in the middle of the night and you don’t remember when the last time you fed him, you can quickly look at the website UI to identify how long it has been since he or she last ate – giving you a better idea of what the baby could need. The Web application will have a simple UI for logging and recording all aspects of the child. The simple website UX can help parents in documenting a newborn feeding activity and diaper changing. The Web application will have easy tracking for feeding, diaper changes, and sleep. The website can be shared with anyone that has an internet connection and personal computer. Activity logging can be the core feature that can help in tracking all activities of a baby. 2BUSINESS OBJECTIVE The business objective of baby tracking software can help in providing a seamless experience to new parents and it can track every piece of information that is relevant to the baby. It can provide an easy way for sharing details and recording memorable milestones of babies that can be shared with friends and family. This can be the way for helping an exhausted mother and getting a buddy or partner that can handle every important detail of the baby to facilitate them to enjoy motherhood. This is very important for busy parents because it provides a simple way for tracking the routine habits of the baby and records all requirements of the baby. Even parents can record the baby's diaper change time, sleeping pattern, and feeding time along with added details and even photos (Ramesh, Savathri, et al. 2019). The Web application can track and log information about diaper changes, doctor visits, height, weight, and whatever else is needed. This will also include additional features to embrace growth, nursing progress, and time. The baby tracker is suitable for mothers for carrying out daily activities of the baby like meals, bottle feeding, and baths. It can help parents in getting an accurate timeline, graphs, and reports for depicting newborn eating habits. This allows users & parents to log baby information and offers engaging personalized summaries, and growth charts. Mothers can connect with the community on the website and it can help in discussing queries or concerns with other mothers to get more information. 2.1 CURRENT SITUATION & PROBLEM In today's world, the biggest problem faced by parents is lack of time as in daily routine parents must juggle so many duties. This includes managing office work, household chores, and looking after a baby is a lot to handle. This increases parenting stress, and most parents are choosing to become parents much later in life. Parents are resorting to having one kid as they find it difficult in managing life with kids around. Balancing life’s a major challenge for parents and it can result in ignoring kids and other responsibilities that cannot be fulfilled. Parents have much awareness about the importance of good nutrition and not tracking the activities of the baby on time can result in nutritional deficiencies. The increased contamination in milk and food can create a major barrier to providing ample nutrition to kids. This can result in babies suffering from an increasing number of diseases and being seen to have weak immunity. Becoming parents to a new baby can come with difficult challenges. Both mother and father face problems in learning about different conditions and habits that are required by babies for adoption. One of the common issues started to be faced by parents is sleep deprivation. Taking care of infants can be extremely demanding and parents need to wake up all night to take care of their babies (Kumar, Sandeep, and Sai Anirudh, 2018). Changing diapers, feeding the child, and putting the baby to sleep can be major demands of raising a child. It can create issues for parents like exhaustion and sleep deprivation which are very common, and it can become the routine for raising a baby. It is important to take care of child safety and small precautions are required to be taken regularly. Feeding can be an issue because feeding at a proper interval is very important for the nutrition of a baby. 2.2 ASSUMPTIONS/CONSTRAINTS Multiple problems are faced by new parents, and it is important to use baby tracking software to provide details about baby habits and health that is not possible to remember. In addition, parents can log in with important details about their baby's overall health and habits with the use of a tracker (Holloway, Donell, Giovanna Mascheroni, and Simone Inglis, 2020). To know about the health of the baby, the tracker can help in connecting with a child doctor for making the assessment. The Web application can be useful in tracking baby eating habits, wet diapers produced by the baby, and baby sleeping habits that can provide a clear picture of the baby’s overall health. The tracker can have all sets of information logged by parents that can provide better ideas of what the baby is doing and share the information with doctors. This can also make the jobs easier for pediatricians for understanding the daily routines of babies and further provide the required treatments. Simple UI is a major factor that can help in keeping the life of parents easy. The website can provide a clear picture of the average number of sleeping hours and naps. It can help in solving this great problem of sleep tracking as it can help parents in understanding when the baby prepares to sleep and what are the apparent sleep cues (Ben-Sasson, Ayelet, et al. 2019). The tracker can help in keeping aware of what happens at bedtime and during the night which can help in making the baby sleep at the right time. The website is also useful for babysitters and caregivers for watching the baby at a certain time because parents can share information about the baby when they are at work. It is a great solution for eliminating multiple questions related to eating, sleeping, and other habits that will be noticed at a specific time. This software log, or Web application, is preferred over a physical notebook for keeping track of all activities. The log activities can help in making the life of parents easier and reduce the conflicts in providing care. 3TECHNOLOGIES UTILIZED A simple Web application hosted on the cloud, easily accessible to all users, will be employed in this solution. It can be modified and accessible to all users/testers utilizing Microsoft Windows. Apache will be used for the Web server due to being an open-source HTTP server for both Windows and Linux. It must also be made clear that users are only required to have a PC, access to the internet, and a Web browser to input their data. Adopting a cloud database is the ideal method for this solution since it offers flexibility and ease of use. Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure will be used, depending on the complexity and level of effort needed. A network database management system (network DBMS) seems to be the most feasible cloud-based database for multiple users. The low maintenance cost is also another advantage, and there is no need to invest time and money into these non-core activities. The Web server that will be used for this solution is Apache HTTP Web Server due to the support rendered by it across multiple types of operating systems, increasing its flexibility. The ability to customize this Web server as per the requirements of the users is another benefit that can be obtained. Even in terms of functionality, this server tends to provide multiple benefits to the user. A single host server will be utilized until more users adopt this system and scalability is necessary. Although Internet Information System (IIS), launched by Microsoft, is a commonly used type of Web server, the inability for it to integrate with other platforms is a major disadvantage. Unlike Apache, this server is not open source which makes the process of modification complex. Sun Java System Web servers often require configuration changes making the process of maintaining it complex. This system tends to be costly and consists of various security concerns. The Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) will have drop-down menus and raw data entry for ease of use and modification simplicity. The ease of use and the availability of shortcuts greatly benefit the users in terms of time and money. Users need not spend time in the learning process of these interfaces as well. On the other hand, the command line interface (CLI) requires specialist IT knowledge from the users and doesn’t tolerate mistakes. Sometimes, users will find it confusing to interact on such platforms. When considering the network that will be used to connect the system, a Local Area Network (LAN) will be adopted with simple internet connectivity. A VPN network was not used as the enhancements in makes towards the maintenance of data privacy are not in the scope of this project. Further, the probability of connection drops is high in this type of network, and this can cause disruptions to the company’s processes. As mentioned above, a PC with internet connectivity and a common operating system will be used for the solution. Considering the benefits of a cloud-based system, this will be used to store and manage data. As the Web server, Apache HTTP Web Server will be followed. Raw data entry & a GUI will be used to increase convenience and time management for the users while utilizing an internet-connected LAN. 3.1SUMMARY LIST Computer System Personal Computer (Desktop) Operating System Microsoft Windows Database MySQL Web Server Apache User Interface Website Network LAN w/internet connectivity Technologies not previously discussed but tentative: Front-End HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap Back-End PHP References Ramesh, Safari, et al. "A smart baby cradle." Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (2019). Ben-Sasson, Ayelet, et al. "Evaluating Expert
Answered 10 days AfterSep 11, 2022

Answer To: 1 Capstone Assignment W2 Capstone Assignment: Technologies Utilized Cory Cooper Upper Iowa...

Shubham answered on Sep 15 2022
66 Votes
Capstone Assignment W2
Capstone Assignment: Technologies Utilized
Cory Cooper
Upper Iowa University
Table of Contents
3.1    SUMMARY LIST    8
4.    Scope Section    9
References    5
Baby tracker Web applications can provide a simple and streamlined way of tracking the daily health and habits of a baby. The Website can track feeding, sleep patterns, and diaper changes. It can also track important information that can be shared with
caregivers and doctors. In many situations, new parents get stressed about the health and feeding activities of the baby which can become chaotic things. The Website can help in many such things; it can aid in giving a clearer picture of a baby's health, and it can be a great problem solver for parents. It is also perfect for logging important information for sleepless nights. If the baby wakes up in the middle of the night and you don’t remember when the last time you fed him, you can quickly look at the website UI to identify how long it has been since he or she last ate – giving you a better idea of what the baby could need.
The Web application will have a simple UI for logging and recording all aspects of the child. The simple website UX can help parents in documenting a newborn feeding activity and diaper changing. The Web application will have easy tracking for feeding, diaper changes, and sleep. The website can be shared with anyone that has an internet connection and personal computer. Activity logging can be the core feature that can help in tracking all activities of a baby.
The business objective of baby trackingsoftware can help in providing a seamless experience to new parents and it can track every piece of information that is relevant to the baby. It can provide an easy way for sharing details and recording memorable milestones of babies that can be shared with friends and family. This can be the way for helping an exhausted mother and getting a buddy or partner that can handle every important detail of the baby to facilitate them to enjoy motherhood. This is very important for busy parents because it provides a simple way for tracking the routine habits of the baby and records all requirements of the baby. Even parents can record the baby's diaper change time, sleeping pattern, and feeding time along with added details and even photos (Ramesh, Savathri, et al. 2019). The Web application can track and log information about diaper changes, doctor visits, height, weight, and whatever else is needed. This will also include additional features to embrace growth, nursing progress, and time.
The baby tracker is suitable for mothers for carrying out daily activities of the baby like meals, bottle feeding, and baths. It can help parents in getting an accurate timeline, graphs, and reports for depicting newborn eating habits. This allows users & parents to log baby information and offers engaging personalized summaries, and growth charts. Mothers can connect with the community on the website and it can help in discussing queries or concerns with other mothers to get more information.
In today's world, the biggest problem faced by parents is lack of time as in daily routine parents must juggle so many duties. This includes managing office work, household chores, and looking after a baby is a lot to handle. This increases parenting stress, and most parents are choosing to become parents much later in life. Parents are resorting to having one kid as they find itdifficult in managing life with kids around. Balancing life’s a major challenge for parents and it can result in ignoring kids and other responsibilities that cannot be fulfilled. Parents have much awareness about the importance of good nutrition and not tracking the activities of the baby on time can result in nutritional deficiencies. The increased contamination in milk and food can create a major barrier to providing ample nutrition to kids. This can result in babies suffering from an increasing number of diseases and being seen to have weak immunity.
Becoming parents to a new baby can come with difficult challenges. Both mother and father face problems in learning about different conditions and habits that are required by babies for adoption. One of the common issues started to be faced by parents is sleep deprivation. Taking care of infants can be extremely demanding and parents need to wake up all night to take care of their babies (Kumar, Sandeep, and Sai Anirudh, 2018). Changing diapers, feeding the child, and putting the baby to sleep can be major demands of raising a child. It can create issues for parents like exhaustion and sleep deprivation which are very common, and it can become the routine for raising a baby. It is important to take care of child safety and small precautions are required to be taken regularly. Feeding can be an issue because feeding at a proper interval is very important for the nutrition of a baby.
Multiple problems are faced by new parents, and it is important to use baby tracking softwareto provide details about baby habits and health that is not possible to remember. In addition, parents can log in with important details about their baby's overall health and habits with the use of a tracker (Holloway, Donell, Giovanna Mascheroni, and Simone Inglis, 2020). To know about the health of the baby, the tracker can help in connecting with a child doctor for making the assessment. The Web application can be useful in tracking baby eating habits, wet diapers produced by the baby, and baby sleeping habits that can provide a clear picture of the baby’s overall health. The tracker can have all sets of information logged by parents that can provide better ideas of what the baby is doing and share the information with doctors. This can also make the jobs easier for pediatricians for understanding the daily routines of babies and further provide the required treatments.
Simple UI is a major factor that can help in keeping the life of parents easy. The website can provide a clear picture of the average number of sleeping hours and naps. It can help in solving this great problem of sleep tracking as it can help parents in understanding when the baby prepares to sleep and what are the apparent sleep cues (Ben-Sasson, Ayelet, et al. 2019). The tracker can help in keeping aware of what happens at bedtime and during the...

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