Based on the Rough outline of Week-3 as a point of departure, please rewrite this as a rough draft for your final APA paper.
Must be a minimum of 400 words with three peer reviewed sources (one source for each supporting paragraph-- you can have two paraphrases but you must have at least one quote properly cited in one supporting paragraph).
Ideally, you can do one paraphrase and one direct quote in each supporting paragraph.
The requirement though is for one support in each supporting paragraph, and you must utilize the quote.
The citations and References have to APA.
You cannot have a source on the Reference page if you do not utilize it with at least one paraphrase or direct quote in the paper.
Remember, the sources have to come from the library and be academic, preferably peer reviewed.
· This will be the rough draft for your final paper that will be a 5 paragraph formal essay with a title page, body, and APA reference page. The final paper will be 500 words. The rough draft should be no less than 400 words and no more than 500. Title page, citations, references must all be in APA format or the grade will be markedly affected. This is our fifth week together. Please follow the instructions exactly and do not alter the instructions at all. This is the same paper we have been working with; use your same thesis statement and follow the feedback I provided in the Week 3 Outline.
Do not change topics. That is not permitted. I look forward to seeing how your paper is taking shape.
Course Materials: Cunningham, L.S. and Reich, J.J. (2010). Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities Comprehensive Edition (7th Edition). ISBN-10: 0495568775. ISBN-13: 9780495568773