1. Assume two LEDs (LED1 and LED2) and one switch input (SW1). Both LEDs should be initially off. After each press AND release of SW1, change the LED state (LED1/LED2) in the sequence: OFF/ON, ON/OFF,...

1. Assume two LEDs (LED1 and LED2) and one switch input (SW1). Both LEDs should be initially off. After each press AND release of SW1, change the LED state (LED1/LED2) in the sequence: OFF/ON, ON/OFF, ON/ON, OFF/OFF, OFF/ON, ON/OFF, ON/ON, OFF/OFF, and so on. Draw a state machine chart for the problem, with the solution done as in the style of Listing 9.5 (a change notification/timer ISR does all of the work; the while (1) loop is empty).

May 19, 2022

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