1. An individual sets aside a certain amount of his income per month to spend on his two hobbies, collecting wine and collecting books. Given the information below, illustrate both the price...

1. An individual sets aside a certain amount of his income per month to spend on his two hobbies, collecting wine and collecting books. Given the information below, illustrate both the price consumption curve associated with changes in the price of wine, and the demand curve for wine.PriceWinePriceBookQuantityWineQuantityBookBudget$10$1078$150$12$1059$150$15$1049$150$20$10211$1502. An individual consumes two goods, clothing and food. Given the information below, illustrate the income consumption curve, and the Engel curves for clothing and food.PriceClothingPriceFoodQuantityClothingQuantityFoodIncome$10$2620$100$10$2835$150$10$21145$200$10$21550$250

May 15, 2022

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