1. An FSM has an input w and an output z. The machine has to generate z = 1 when the following patterns in w are detected: 11 or 111; otherwise, z = 0. Reset functionality is not mandatory. Draw the...

Solve in Python1. An FSM has an input w and an output<br>z. The machine has to generate z =<br>1<br>when the following patterns in w are<br>detected: 11 or 111; otherwise, z = 0.<br>Reset functionality is not mandatory.<br>Draw the state diagram, the state-<br>assigned table, write the Verilog code,<br>run simulations and verify your answer.<br>An example timing diagram can be found<br>here:<br>clock t. t t t. ts t. t t. t tio tn tr2<br>111010 1<br>1<br>1<br>1<br>00 1<br>1<br>0 1<br>1<br>1<br>Expected Output:<br>The timing diagram should contain<br>waveforms as described in the table. The<br>clock period should be 10 ns. The<br>discussion must contain a state diagram,<br>state<br>assigned<br>table,<br>and<br>brief<br>explanations of all high output situations<br>e.g. z is high during ts, t11, and t12 clock<br>cycles. Briefly explain these situations in<br>light of the problem statement and your<br>derived state diagram/state assigned<br>table.<br>

Extracted text: 1. An FSM has an input w and an output z. The machine has to generate z = 1 when the following patterns in w are detected: 11 or 111; otherwise, z = 0. Reset functionality is not mandatory. Draw the state diagram, the state- assigned table, write the Verilog code, run simulations and verify your answer. An example timing diagram can be found here: clock t. t t t. ts t. t t. t tio tn tr2 111010 1 1 1 1 00 1 1 0 1 1 1 Expected Output: The timing diagram should contain waveforms as described in the table. The clock period should be 10 ns. The discussion must contain a state diagram, state assigned table, and brief explanations of all high output situations e.g. z is high during ts, t11, and t12 clock cycles. Briefly explain these situations in light of the problem statement and your derived state diagram/state assigned table.

Jun 10, 2022

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