1- A simple encryption method is being used to encrypt a small number (called the secret number). The method by which this encryption works is as follows: I. Choose a random seed number II. Calculate...

1-      A simple encryption method is being used to encrypt a small number (called the secret number). The method by which this encryption works is as follows:                                I.            Choose a random seed number                               II.            Calculate the key by multiplying the seed with the secret under modulus 7                            III.            Finally, multiply the key with the secret to get the encrypted secret Example: If our secret number was 45Randomly choose seed = 6 key = secret x seed (mod 7) =  45 x 6 (mod 7)  =   4Encrypted Secret = key x secret = 45 x 4 = 180 Based on this encryption method, when choosing the random seed, show which number should not be used, because it would result in the Secret and the Encrypted Secret being the same.

Jun 10, 2022

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