1/ A Cuii number is the one whose digit sum is 17. Find out KthCuii number. K is an integer given as input and 1

A Cuii number is the one whose digit sum is 17.

Find out KthCuii number.

K is an integer given as input and 1 <= k=""><=>

Sample Input

Sample output

Here in the first case digit sum of 89 is 8 + 9 = 17. The first 5 cuii numbers are:

89, 98, 179, 188 and 197.

2/ You are given EEE and Programming marks of N students. Determine the

highest total marks among them.

Fist line contains an integer value N.

Each of the next N lines contain two values

X and Y (X is the EEE mark, Y is the Programming marks).

Sample Input

Sample output


70 80

100 90

95 95

100 80

60 50


Jun 11, 2022

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