15 pointsItem 1 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Submit the output of theRecursive GCDprogram
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Item at position 2
20 pointsItem 2 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Sanity Check:You can answer this question to get feedback as to whether you are on the right track from the autograder, but it won't get you points for the assignment.
How many lines of output(one for every print statement executed, including the one in the main method) does the correct Problem 1.1. Recursive GCD answer have?
Item at position 3
30 pointsItem 3 is unpinned. Click to pin.
1.1 Sanity Check:
True or false: Arithmetic Addition occurs in this program. (Concatenation doesn't count as addition).
Item at position 4
46 pointsItem 4 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Submit the output of theShadow Sumprogram
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Item at position 5
50 pointsItem 5 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Sanity Check:
True of false: For problem 1.2 (Shadow Sum), the 4th line of the output is: (200, 200) and there are 7 lines in total.
Item at position 6
610 pointsItem 6 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Submit the output of theIf Elevatorprogram.
User Response Field
Item at position 7
70 pointsItem 7 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Sanity Check:
The recursive calls:
return elevator(floorTo, floorTo, name);
essentially mean: pretend like we've now arrived on the destination floor and execute the following welcome logic:
if(floorOn == floorTo) { if(floorOn == 19) { print "Welcome to the penthouse!"; } print "Welcome to floor " + floorOn + " " + name + "!"; return floorOn; }
Item at position 8
80 pointsItem 8 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Sanity check:
The correct answer for problem 1.3 has roughly 42 lines of output. They include:
- 11 welcome messages
- 5 does not exist messages
- 4 going up messages.
- 5 doing down messages.
- 3 access denied messages
- 4 skipping floor 13 messages
- 1 output that is only a number, so message.
TrueFalsePart 2: Using Functions
Problem 2: Ms. Functions's String Factory
Assign function values to each of the 6 function variables in Ms. Function's process.
Item at position 9
95 pointsItem 9 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Ms. Function Problems 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6
2.3:processProductis entered in the next question.)
Match each process function variable name with the name of the laborer who can correctly accomplish the process.
Prompt 1checkFeasibilityPrompt 1 AnswerPrompt 2receiveRawValuesPrompt 2 AnswerPrompt 3cleanGraffitiPrompt 3 AnswerPrompt 4convertToStringPrompt 4 AnswerPrompt 5deliverProductToCustomerPrompt 5 Answer
Item at position 10
104 pointsItem 10 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Ms. Function,Problem 2.3: processProduct
To correctly process the product, a combination of functions must effectively add 1 to EVERY integer element of the array.
([1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4] --> [2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5])
List in order every professional who is needed to process the product.
You should list at least 2 professionals.
Example: [___???___, ___???___, etc.]
Hint:you should list at least one professional more than once.
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Item at position 11
110 pointsItem 11 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Sanity Check 1:If you are planning on submitting multiple times, you can answer this question to get some quick feedback if you are on the right track.
Which professionals have the correct type to be product processors?
Type:((int, int[8]) --> int[8])
Ms. PuppetMaster
Ms. Odd
Ms. Shift I
Mr. Check
Ms. Check
Mr. Busy
Mr. Odd
Mr. Clean
Mr. Shift I
Mr. Ego
Item at position 12
120 pointsItem 12 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Sanity Check 2:This question is meant to give you feedback as to whether you are on the right track.
Which professional (s) should process the product at 2 different times today?
Ms. PuppetMaster
Ms. Odd
Ms. Shift I
Mr. Check
Ms. Check
Mr. Busy
Mr. Odd
Mr. Clean
Mr. Shift I
Mr. Ego
Item at position 13
130 pointsItem 13 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Sanity Check 3:Answer this question to get some quick feedback if you are on the right track.
Of the professionals who need to process the product, which two perform opposite behaviors and it doesn't matter who goes first?
Ms. PuppetMaster
Ms. Odd
Ms. Shift I
Mr. Check
Ms. Check
Mr. Busy
Mr. Odd
Mr. Clean
Mr. Shift I
Mr. Ego
Part 3: Function Recreation
3.1:Read the Stack Trace
(Read the provided stack trace, answer the comprehension questions.)
3.2:5 Step function writing process.
(Fill out the 5 step function design outline for each of the 5 functions)
3.3:Recreate 5 functions from output.
(Write a program that has the exact same function names, call structure, and passed values as the program that created the provided stack trace.)
Item at position 14
141 pointItem 14 is unpinned. Click to pin.
What method(s) does the
method directly call?
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Item at position 15
151 pointItem 15 is unpinned. Click to pin.
call any functions?
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Item at position 16
161 pointItem 16 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Does it seem like any of the code is repeated, but with different values?
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Item at position 17
1712 pointsItem 17 is unpinned. Click to pin.
Problem 3.2:(Optional.) Please upload your functiondesign outlinesas a .txt or .pdf file.
Problem 3.3:Upload the program (.txt file) including your complete recreation of the 5 functions and your recreation of the main method.
Note:If your recreation is good enough, I won't need to look at your design outlines. If you are not confidant in your final program, I'd recommend you submit your design outlines.