Complete only the code. need it asap. no need for comments
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Extracted text: /*1*/ /*2*/ package quiz1; public class TestInheritacne { /*3*/ public static void main(String a[]) { /*4*/ /*1*/Employee Emp1 = new Employee(12-123-0, "Mioara dela Cruz", 35, 35000.00); /*2*/Employee Emp2 = new Employee(); /*3*/Emp1.printInformation(); /*4*/ = "Iolanthe Mioara"; /*5*/Emp2.printInformation(idNumber, name, age, salary); /*6*/TeachingStaff cherA = new TeachingStaff("12-123-1", "Tyraelkane dela Cruz", 48, 60000.00, 30); /*7*/TeachingStaff cherB = new TeachingStaff("12-123-2", "Morpheus de Guzman", 45, 48000.00, 24); /*8*/cherA.teachCourse("Data Structure"); /*9*/cherB.teachCourse("OOP", 1); /*10*/cherA.printInformation(); }} /*5*/ /*6*/ /*7*/ /*8*/ /*9*/ /*10*/
Extracted text: D Employeejava 3 D D 1 package quiz1; public class Employee { String IdNumber; String name; int age; double salary; 6 public Employee(String idNumber, String name, int age, double salary) { IdNumber = idNumber; = name; this.age = age; this.salary = salary; } ge 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 public void printInformation(){ System.out.println("ID Number: "+ IdNumber); System.out.println("Name: System.out.println("Age: " + age); System.out.println("Salary: " + salary); } } 17 18 + name); 19 | 20 | 21 |22 | 23 package quiz1; 1. extends public class TeachingStaff (1) Employee { int totalloadUnits; 2. idNumber public TeachingStaff(String idNumber, String name, int age, double salary, int totalloadUnits) { super ((2). (3) (4) (5)); this.totalloadUnits -(6) } 3. naem 4. age public void teachCoursk(String course) 5. salary System.out.println(name +" is teaching the course " + (7)); } 6. totalLoadUnit: public void teachCourse((8). course, String day) System.out.println(name +" teaches the course } + course + " on "+ day); 7. Course public void printInformation() { „(9)- printInformation(); System.out.print("Total Load: "+ (10)); 8. String 9. super 10. totalLoadUnit: