1) (15pts) A use profile provides a rich source of information to study twitter users. Given a list of user's screen names, write a crawler to display this users' profile information. You...

1) (15pts) A use profile provides a rich source of information to study twitter users. Given a list of user's screen names, write a crawler to display this users' profile information. You should get the following information for any existing twitter user: User name: Screen name: User ID: Location: User description: The number of followers: The number of friends: The number of tweets (i.e., statuses): User URL: 2) (15pts) There are two types of connection between users: follower and friend. Friendship is bidirectional while following is one direction. In the following figure, Amy and Peter are friends (meaning that they follow each other), Bob is following Amy (so Bob is Amy's follower), and Amy follows Sophia. Amy Sophia Bob Peter Given a list of user's screen names (any existing names), write a crawler to collect the users' social network information (i.e., display friends and the first 20 followers). 3) (30pts) Twitter provides APIs to collect tweets that contain the specified keywords or originate from a given geographic region. The returned objects of the search are in Ja- vaScript Object Notation (JSON). You will exact some fields in JSON. You will look at both Search API and streaming API. a) (15pts) Write a crawler to collect the first 50 tweets that contain these two keywords: (Ohio, weather). b) (15pts) Write a crawler to collect the first 50 tweets that originate from Dayton re- gion, specified by point_radius: [Longitude of the center, Latitude of the center, radius), where the radius can be up to 25 miles. Any tweet containing a geo point that falls within this region will be matched. Dayton OH geographic information is: Lati- tude 39.758949, Longitude -84.191605. Note that Google Map takes a slightly differ- ent format, i.e., [Latitude, Longitude).

May 19, 2022

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