0 ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET 1. Student details Student number: 250260 Title: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss/ Ms/ Other MRS Given name(s): Christine Family name: El-Hajj Course name: (e.g. Bachelor of Counselling) Bachelor of Counselling 2. Assessment details Unit/module: COUN3241 Assessment number: The Integration of Counselling Theories Literature Review Trimester: 3 Year: 2021 Educator: Supriya Khanijou Word Count: APA REF: 7th Edition Due Date: 07/11/2021 I also declare, if this is a practical skills assessment, that a Client/Interviewee Consent Form has been read and signed by both parties, and where applicable parental consent has been obtained. I declare that this assessment is my own work, based on my own personal research/study. I also declare that this assessment has not been previously submitted for any other unit/module or course and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications. Applicant’s signature: Christine El Hajj 07/11/ 2021 Christine El-Hajj Counselling Theory Integration 1 1 This literature review focus on the integration of counselling theories for practicing counsellors in contemporary times. The organisation of this literature centres around grief and loss for counsellors in private practices. The purpose of this literature review is to critically evaluates the recent researches about the main based theory utilised by the counsellor which is Person centred approach. Yet, comparing and contrasting the integration of techniques form two other theories such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) Narrative therapy (NT) and Solution focused therapy (SFT). Furthermore, through a scholarly knowledge an evaluation of the strength and limitation of the integrative methods of these theories for practising counsellors . In a recent large survey of over 1000 psychotherapists, only 15% indicated that they used only one theoretical orientation in their practice, and the median number of theoretical orientations used in practice was four (Tasca et al., 2015) Common factors among psychotherapy approaches that have been associated with positive outcomes and therapeutic changes include: the ability of the therapist to inspire hope and to provide an alternative and more plausible view of the self and the world; the ability to give patients a corrective emotional experience that helps them to remedy the traumatic influence of his previous life experiences; the therapeutic alliance; positive change expectations; and beneficial therapist qualities, such as attention, empathy and positive regard (Stricker and Gold, 2001; Feixas and Botella, 2004; Norcross and Goldfried, 2005; Constantino et al., 2011; Integration in psychotherapy involves four possible approaches: theoretical integration (i.e., transcending diverse models by creating single but different approach), technical eclecticism (i.e., using effective ingredients from different approaches), assimilative integration (i.e., working primarily from within one model but integrating aspects of others when needed), and common factors approach (i.e., focusing on effective therapeutic practices that are common to all approaches; Kozarić-Kovacić, 2008; Castonguay et al., 2015). At the heart of psychotherapy integration is the important research findings that despite the varying theoretical rationales and approaches of different schools of psychotherapy, they produce similar outcomes (Barth et al., 2013). In recent decades, clinicians and researchers have been coming to a growing consensus about the existence of common factors that are shared among several psychotherapeutic approaches (Norcross and Goldfried, 1992; Wampold and Imel, 2015). Common factors among psychotherapy approaches that have been associated with positive outcomes and therapeutic changes include: the ability of the therapist to inspire hope and to provide an alternative and more plausible view of the self and the world; the ability to give patients a corrective emotional experience that helps them to remedy the traumatic influence of his previous life experiences; the therapeutic alliance; positive change expectations; and beneficial therapist qualities, such as attention, empathy and positive regard (Stricker and Gold, 2001; Feixas and Botella, 2004; Norcross and Goldfried, 2005; Constantino et al., 2011 Christine El-Hajj Counselling Theory Integration 2 2 sychotherapists commonly practice different types of psychotherapy integration, applying the common factors approach as well as assimilative integration or theoretical integration. The common factors approach tends to downplay the importance of specific effects or techniques of psychotherapies (i.e., two-chair technique, exposure, Socratic questioning, etc.), in favor of working with common factors known to be related to positive outcomes (e.g., therapeutic alliance, therapist empathy, client expectations, etc.; Norcross and Goldfried, 2005). On the other hand, assimilative integration involves working primarily from one theoretical approach (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy) but also incorporating techniques from other psychotherapeutic approaches as needed for any given client or context (e.g., interpreting transference; Stricker and Gold, 2001). Finally, theoretical integration aims to bring together theoretical concepts from several different psychotherapeutic approaches and to develop a “Grand Unified Theory” of psychotherapy (Stricker and Gold, 2001 he psychotherapy integration movement highlights that psychotherapy integration is not only the process of taking some techniques from various models and applying them as needed (i.e., technical eclecticism), but it involves also the focus on the link between theory, Nonetheless, researchers have examined sev- eral of the specific common factors. Notably, the therapeutic alliance and therapist qualities (e.g., instilling hope, enhancing clients’ expec- tancies, warmth and positive regard, and empa- thy), as well as positive expectation/hope or faith, opportunity for carthesis, and providing a provisional rational to clients among many oth- ers have been frequently investigated evidence, and technique (Norcross and Goldfried, 2005). In other words, integrative psychotherapy is different from technical eclecticism. An eclectic therapist chooses a technique because it may work or may be efficient, without concern for its theoretical basis or research evidence. If an eclectic psychotherapist's client experiences positive outcomes after receiving a specific technique, the therapist does not necessarily investigate why the positive change occurred in order to develop a generalizable model of treatment. In contrast, psychotherapy integration focuses on the relationship between an effective practice and its theoretical and empirical basis (Norcross and Goldfried, 2005). For example, evidence-based psychotherapy relationship practices (i.e., alliance, therapist empathy, congruence, positive regard, etc.), which are integrative in nature and based on common factors, have been the focus of a recent APA task force report (Norcross, 2011). More recently, a sur- vey revealed that most clinicians endorse tech- niques related to common factors and that were specific to building the alliance (e.g., warmth, acceptance, understanding, and empathy; Cook et al., 2010). There are numerous pathways toward the integration of the psychotherapies; many roads lead to Rome. The four most popular routes are (p. 9) technical eclecticism, theoretical integration, common factors, and assimilative integration. Each of the four routes is embraced by considerable proportions of self-identified eclectics and integrationists but with some definite preferences. Recent research on SEPI members (Norcross et al., 2017) indicates that the preferred routes or subtypes entail assimilative integration, theoretical integration, and common factors, followed by technical eclecticism Christine El-Hajj Counselling Theory Integration 3 3 Assessment 1 14 Week Due Week 6, Sunday at 11.55pm (AEST/AEDT)* Assessment Type The Integration of Counselling Theories Literature Review Weighting 50% Learning Outcomes 1. a) Appreciate the development of counselling theories over the past 100 years and identify significant current developments 2. b) Analyse the relationship between scientific metatheories and psychotherapy integration 3. c) Examine different approaches to operationalising the Common Factors of psychotherapy Length 2000 words (+ / - 10%) *Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)/Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDT). Check your time zone to ensure that you submit your assessment on time. If required, use a time zone converter. Assessment Details and Instructions Purpose: The purpose of this task is for students to construct a literature review on the topic of: the integration of counselling theories for practicing counsellors in contemporary times. Process: Students are to write a literature review on the topic of: the integration of counselling theories for practicing counsellors in contemporary times. A literature review examines and critically evaluates the most relevant, recent and scholarly research on a particular topic. The content of a literature review centres around conveying what knowledge is available on a topic and analysing the material found. Therefore, your literature review needs to: • identify existing scholarly knowledge on a particular topic • compare and contrast current research • evaluate the research and support your evaluation • identify problems or gaps in existing knowledge To complete this task, students will access, think critically and analyse the available academic literature on the topic of the integration of counselling theories (use a MS Word document). The integration of counselling theories in contemporary times is founded on the body of understandings technical eclecticism, assimilative integration, theoretical integration, and common factors approaches psychotherapy integration. Structure Christine El-Hajj Counselling Theory Integration 4 4 A literature review has the same basic structure as an essay: an introduction, a series of body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should define the topic, provide an appropriate context for reviewing the literature, and explain the organisation of your literature review. The body should be organised on the basis of ideas, rather than authors. In other words, the
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