Please solve it , theoretical part of digital image processing course ; - If you have the following image, apply region growing from the shaded seed point using 8-connectivity and a predicate of “the...

Please solve it , theoretical part of digital image processing course ;

- If you have the following image, apply region growing from the shaded seed point using 8-connectivity and a predicate of “the absolute difference is less than or equal 25”.

0 0| 10 55 60 125 135<br>99<br>10 5<br>70<br>125<br>130<br>129<br>10<br>2<br>17<br>75<br>80<br>130<br>150<br>20<br>3<br>21<br>65<br>38<br>40<br>150<br>25<br>1<br>23<br>40<br>72<br>100<br>100<br>30<br>1<br>20<br>

Extracted text: 0 0| 10 55 60 125 135 99 10 5 70 125 130 129 10 2 17 75 80 130 150 20 3 21 65 38 40 150 25 1 23 40 72 100 100 30 1 20

Jun 10, 2022

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