- "/workspace/project3$ python3 reverse.pybo lt on no t l o bE reverse.pyimport stdio# Accept all the strings from standard input and store them in alist a.# Reverse a.for i in range (...):#...

Exercise 4. (Reverse) Write a program called reverse.py that accepts strings from standard input, and writes them in reverse<br>order to standard output.<br>>-
no t l o b E reverse.py import stdio # Accept all the strings from standard input and store them in a list a. # Reverse a. for i in range (...): # Iterate over half of the list a... # Exchange element at i in a with the element at len(a) - i - 1. # Write a to standard output. for i in range (...): if ... : # If i is not the last column, write a[i] with a space after. else: # Otherwise, write the element with a newline after. "/>
Extracted text: Exercise 4. (Reverse) Write a program called reverse.py that accepts strings from standard input, and writes them in reverse order to standard output. >- "/workspace/project3 $ python3 reverse.py bo lt on no t l o b E reverse.py import stdio # Accept all the strings from standard input and store them in a list a. # Reverse a. for i in range (...): # Iterate over half of the list a... # Exchange element at i in a with the element at len(a) - i - 1. # Write a to standard output. for i in range (...): if ... : # If i is not the last column, write a[i] with a space after. else: # Otherwise, write the element with a newline after.

Jun 10, 2022

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