// ***** Task 1: declare an HBox named top
// also declare three Button instance variables
// that will be added to the HBox top.
// These buttons will determine the grid size of the game:
// 3-by-3, 4-by-4, or 5-by
// task 1 ends here
public NestedLayoutPractice( )
super( );
// ***** Task 2: student code starts here
// instantiate the GameView object
// add game view to the center of this BorderPane
// task 2 ends here
bottom = new Label( "Have fun playing this Tile Puzzle game" );
setBottom( bottom );
// ***** Task 3: Student code restarts here
// instantiate the HBox component named top
// instantiate the Buttons that determine the grid size
// add the buttons to HBox top
// make them take all the available space
// add HBox top to this BorderPane as its top component
// task 3 ends here
// ***** Task 5: Student code restarts here
// Note: search for and complete Task 4 before performing this task
// declare and instantiate an EventHandler
// register the handler on the 3 buttons
// that you declared in Task 1
// task 5 ends here
// ***** Task 4: Student code restarts here
// create a private inner class that implements EventHandler
// your method should identify which of the 3 buttons
// was the source of the event
// depending on which button was pressed,
// call the setUpGame method of the GameView class
// with arguments 3, 4, or 5
// the API of that method is:
// public void setUpGame( int nSides )
// task 4 ends here