// SuperMarket.cpp - This program creates a report that lists weekly hours worked // by employees of a supermarket. The report lists total hours for // each day of one week. // Input: Interactive //...

// SuperMarket.cpp - This program creates a report that lists weekly hours worked

// by employees of a supermarket. The report lists total hours for

// each day of one week.

// Input: Interactive
// Output: Report.

using namespace std;
int main()

// Declare variables.
const string HEAD1 = "WEEKLY HOURS WORKED";
const string DAY_FOOTER = " Day Total ";
// Leading spaces in DAY_FOOTER are intentional.
const string SENTINEL = "done"; // Named constant for sentinel value.

double hoursWorked = 0; // Current record hours.
string dayOfWeek; // Current record day of week.
double hoursTotal = 0; // Hours total for a day.
string prevDay = ""; // Previous day of week.
bool notDone = true; // loop control

// Print two blank lines.
cout < endl=""><>

// Print heading.
cout < "\t\t\t\t\t"="">< head1=""><>
// Print two blank lines.
cout < endl=""><>

// Read first record

cout < "enter="" day="" of="" week="" or="" done="" to="" quit:="">
cin >> dayOfWeek;
if(dayOfWeek == SENTINEL)
notDone = false;
cout < "enter="" hours="" worked:="">
cin >> hoursWorked;
prevDay = dayOfWeek;

while(notDone == true)

// Implement control break logic here
// Include work done in the dayChange() function
cout < "\t\t"="">< day_footer="">< hourstotal=""><>

return 0;

} // End of main()

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Jun 09, 2022

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