-Program C 2. Not my Favorites by CodeChum Admin We've already done looping through a series of numbers and printing out its squares, so how about we level it up and go with cubes this time? I have a...

-Program C

2. Not my Favorites

by CodeChum Admin

We've already done looping through a series of numbers and printing out its squares, so how about we level it up and go with cubes this time?

I have a condition though; I don't want to be associated with numbers that are divisible by 3 or 5 so if an integer is divisible by either of the two, don't make their cube values appear on the screen, please.

Care to fulfill my request?


  1. Print out the cube values of the numbers ranging from 1 to 1000 (inclusive). However, if the number is divisible by either 3 or 5, do not include them in printing and proceed with the next numbers.

  2. Tip: When skipping through special values, make use of the keyword continue and put them inside a conditional statement.


Multiple lines containing an integer.









Jun 10, 2022

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