1) (1) DISCUSSION BOARD (200 WORDS) Review the followingLinkedIn Learning videosto help you with your assignments in this Unit. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a...

1 answer below »


Review the followingLinkedIn Learning videosto help you with your
assignments in this Unit.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
created a procedure to select a symmetric-key encryption algorithm to protect
sensitive federal information. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a
standard used by the U.S. government. It was announced by NIST after 5 years of
a standardization process, in which many designs were evaluated before the
solution was selected.

  • Based

    on your understanding of how AES was chosen, what is your opinion of the

    criteria used?

  • Why do

    you think these criteria were important?

  • What

    do you think about the effectiveness and ease of use of AES?


Review the followingLinkedIn Learning videosto help you with your
assignments in this Unit.

Using the APA writing style, write paper that answers
thequestionsbelow. Be prepared to fully support your answers.
Within the identified paper structure below, explain in your ownwords the

  • Title


  • Introduction

  • Main


    • What

      is the history of DES, and why is s-DES studied?

    • How

      does DES and 3DES work? Provide an example of each.

    • Explain

      the following ingredients that decide the algorithm in the Fiestel


      • Block

        size Key size

      • Subkey


      • Round


      • Fast

        software encryption/decryption

      • Ease

        of Analysis

  • Conclusion

  • APA

    Reference List (Note: Make sure to also include intext citations)

Answered 2 days AfterSep 27, 2022

Answer To: 1) (1) DISCUSSION BOARD (200 WORDS) Review the followingLinkedIn Learning videosto help you with...

Shubham answered on Sep 30 2022
65 Votes
1.     Discussion Board
The important criteria for selection of AES are security and it is worth exami
ning that is used by NIST for evaluation of potential criteria. It includes criteria spanning the range of concerns for the practical application of modern symmetric block ciphers (Muttaqin & Rahmadoni, 2020). It is important that the minimum key size for AS should be 128 bits and it requires evaluation of brute attacks that can be used for projection of technology. The second criteria are cost and AES should...

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