/H TI IIIIIIIIIIIII . as tfrey are conrfl@d. Thefi rtrton the,!xt lcltton. L Determineth e rransfer that i (l) is the excitation ( l ) G(s) : , ., , tL . ZR + sL (2) G(s' ) )rt+sZ (3) G(s) = 'L R+sl...

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/H TI IIIIIIIIIIIII . as tfrey are conrfl@d. Thefi rtrton the,!xt lcltton. L Determineth e rransfer that i (l) is the excitation ( l ) G(s) : , ., , tL . ZR + sL (2) G(s' ) )rt+sZ (3) G(s) = 'L R+sl function of the circuir and v(l) is the response (4) G(s) = s l of Fie. tr-1. Assume resultingir omi (l). (5) G(s) = (Hint: Use see L 2R transforms er"r, 7-2) to find 81, rtg. E-| 2. Consider ingth ati r ( l ) is theo urpura nd u, ( l ) oi Fig. E-2,d etermineth ei mpulser esponse. (l) g(t) : e-rrsin t is the input of the circuit (Hint: Topic '7-2 ex.7-Z) l t . . I ie ( t ) 8n Fig.
Fig. E-1
2. A current generator that produces a current that increases at a rate of 3 A per sec is switched on at t = 2 sec. Determine the equation for the resulting current. (Hint: Use Eq. 2-52) (1) i(t) = 3 t u(t - 2) (4) i(t)= 2(t - 3) u(t - 3) l(2) i(t) = 3(t - 2) u(t - 2) (5) KO= t u(3t - 2) (3) i(t) = 3 t u(t + 2)
3. Determine the equation for the waveform of Fig. E-2. (Hint: Eq. 2-52) (1) f(t)= u(t + 4) Ve(3) f(t)= -2(t + 2)u(t + 2) (2) f(t) = -2tu(t - 2) (4) f(t) = -4tu(t + 2)
4. A voltage of 10 V is switched on at t = 4 sec. This voltage is applied to the input of an integrator. What is the output voltage? (Hint: Eq. 2-68 and Topic 2-15) (1) e(t)= 10t u(t - 4) yi(3) e(t) = 10(t - 4) u(t - 4) (2) e(t) = 4t u(1) (4) e(t) =1012 u(t + 4)
5. A current source that produces a current equal to i(t) = 5 + t2 u(t) is applied to the input of a differentiator. Determine the output current of the differentiator. (1) i'(t) = (5 + t) u(t) (3) t(t)= t u(t + 5) fr. (2) F(t) = 2t u(t) (4) /1(t)= 3t2u(t) 6. A certain voltage can be expressed as v(t) = (5 + t2) u(t - 1). What is the value of this voltage at t = 3 sec? (1) 0 (2) 8 V (3) 14 V (4) 28 V
7. A certain function is expressed as f(t) = 2e-005. What is the value of f(t) at t = 1.5 sec? (Hint: To find e-x, refer to lesson 5500.) (1) 1.0 (2) 0.736 (3) 0.270 (4) 0.10

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56hh -1uF*l) Fig. E-1 generator produces 2. A cument that a current that increases at a iat" of 3 A = per sec is the equation switched on at f 2 sec. Determine for the resulting (Hint: Eq.2-52) current. Use - - - = = (r) i(t) u(t 2) (4) i(t) 2(t 3) u(t 3) 3t - - - = = (, 2) u(t 2) (5) i(t) t u(3t 2) 3(r X2) ' = (3) i(t) + 2) 3t u(t waveform Fig. E-2. (Hinc Eq.2-52) 3. Determine the equation for the of -2(t = = (l) f(t) + 4) f(0 + Z)u(t + 2) u(t *<3)><(1)56ii><>

Answered Same DayDec 21, 2021

Answer To: /H TI IIIIIIIIIIIII . as tfrey are conrfl@d. Thefi rtrton the,!xt lcltton. L Determineth e rransfer...

David answered on Dec 21 2021
123 Votes
2. A current generator that produces a current that increases at a rate of 3A/s is switched
on at 2s.t  We wish to determine the equation for the resulting current.
We have
   3 2 and 0 for 2.
u t i
t t
   
Thus we have

   
   
3 2
3 2 2
i t u t dt
t u t C
 
   

for some constant C. Note that  0 0 ,i C  whence 0C  and hence

     3 2 2 .i t t u t  
3. We wish to determine the equation for the waveform  f t from the following figure:

For 2t   we have   0f t  , while for 2t   we have    2 2 .f t t   Thus we have

     2 2 2 .f t t u t   
4. A voltage of 10 V is switched on at 4s.t  The voltage is applied to the input of an
integrator. What is the output voltage?
We have
   
 
   
10 4
10 4 4 .
e t e s ds
u s ds
t u t

 
  

5. A current source that produces a current equal to    25i t t u t  is applied to the input
of a differentiator. We wish to determine the output current of the differentiator.
The output current is given by
   
   
 
 
' 5
0 2
2 .
i t t u t
d d
t u t
dt dt
t u t
t u t
   
    
 

6. A certain voltage can be expressed as      25 1 .v t t u t   What is the voltage at
3s?t 
We have
     
  
23 5 3 2
5 9 1
v u 
 

7. A certain function is expressed as   /0.52 .tf t e We wish to compute the value of
 f t at 1.5s.t 

We have
  1.5/0.5
1.5 2
f e

8. A voltage source,  ,e t which has a value of 2 V at 0,t  rises exponentially to a final
value of 6 V with a time constant of 3 s. We wish to determine the expression for  .e t

We have
 
0 if 0;
6 4 if 0,t
e t
e t
 
 
whence      /36 4 .te t e u t 
9. A current is defined by    /32 .ti t e u t We wish to compute the total area A under the
curve for 0 .t 
We have
 
 
 
6 / 3
A i t dt
e u t dt

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