-Given the following relational DB schema and the following SQL query: Student (sid, name, age, address) Book(bid, title, author) Checkout(sid, bid, date) SELECT S.name FROM Student S, Book B,...

-Given the following relational DB schema and the following SQL query:

Student (sid, name, age, address)

Book(bid, title, author)

Checkout(sid, bid, date)


FROM Student S, Book B, Checkout C

WHERE S.sid = C.sid AND B.bid = C.bid AND B.author = ’Olden Fames’ AND S.age > 12

And assuming:

  • There are 20, 000 Student records stored on 2000 blocks.

  • There are 50, 000 Book records stored on 5, 000 blocks

  • There are 300, 000 Checkout records stored on 15, 000 blocks.

  • Student ages range from 7 to 24.

Using heuristic rules, show a physical query plan for this query, assuming there are no indexes and data is not sorted on any attribute.

Jun 09, 2022

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