_ } //**************************************************** // getLength returns the value in the length member. * //**************************************************** double Rectangle::getLength()...

_ } //**************************************************** // getLength returns the value in the length member. * //**************************************************** double Rectangle::getLength() const { _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ } //****************************************************** // getArea returns the product of width times length. * //****************************************************** double Rectangle::getArea() const { __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ } //***************************************************** // Function main * //***************************************************** int main() { double number; // to hold a number double totalArea; // the total area Rectangle *kitchen; // to point to kitchen dimemtions Rectangle *bedroom; // to point to bedroom dimensions Rectangle * den; // to point to den dimentions // Dynamically allocate the objects. kitchen = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _; bedroom = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _; den = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _; //get the kitchen dimensions. cout < "what="" is="" the="" kitchens="" length?="" ";="" cin="">> number; // get the length _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ // store in kitchen object cout < "what="" is="" the="" kitchens="" width?="" ";="" cin="">> number; //Get width _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ // store in kitchen object. // get the bedroom dimentions. cout < "="" what="" is="" the="" bedroom's="" length?="" ";="" cin="">> number;//get length _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _//store in bedroom object. cout <> number; // get width. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _// store in bedroom object // get the den dimensions. cout <> number; // get length _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ // store in den object. cout < "what="" is="" the="" dens="" width?="" ";="" cin="">> number; // get width. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ // store in den object //calculate the total area of the three rooms. totalArea = _ _ _ _ _ _ _+_ _ _ _ _ _ _+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ //Display the total area of the three rooms. cout < "the="" total="" area="" of="" the="" three="" rooms="" is="" "="">< totalarea="">
Jun 07, 2022

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